Saturday, March 1, 2025

2024 Movie Ranking Countdown: The Top 20

Well, we've finally arrived at the top 20 of my 2024 movie ranking list. Initially. I had grand plans to break down each movie and talk about why I liked them and why they deserved to place so highly on my list. Now? F that. I just simply don't have time to do as deep an analysis as I had been hoping for. I mean, it's freaking March 1st and I'm still talking about movies I watched in 2024. It's time to wrap this up and get it over with. I did recap the top 5, though. I figured I should at least give some type of reason as to why they made it so high.

For the earlier entries on this list, check out the following links:

And now, we move onto the top 20 (and remember: this ranking covers movies I watched in 2024, not necessarily movies that came out in 2024).

20: As Above, So Below
19: Trauma (2017)
18: The Illusionist
17: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
16: The Greatest Night in Pop
15: Dumb and Dumber
14: Deadpool & Wolverine
13: Manhunter
12: Dune (1984)
11: Mystic River
10: The Prestige
9: Doctor Sleep
8: Dune: Part One
7: Ghost
6: Last Night

Top five:

Forrest Gump

I always feel like I am alone in my love for this movie. As a kid, I was the only one in my family who liked it. Everyone else hated it. My wife hates it. A large section of the Internet seems to hate it too. I don't think I've encountered a single person in real life who likes the movie. 

I haven't let that sway my opinion, though. I have always loved this movie and I think I always will. It's just so good. From the humor, to the drama, to the emotional moments, the music, to the historical relevance of the events surrounding Forrest: I just think it is great. As an adult, I noticed so many more things than I did as a kid. From Bear Bryant coaching Alabama, to the guy in the flag shirt, to Forrest, um, having a premature moment after touching Jenny's boobs - these are things I never picked up on before. I always just thought Forrest was surprised by the boobs, and started freaking out about wanting to leave.

This is a top 20 movie of all time for me. And it comes in at #5 on this year's list.

The Shape of Water

I've seen this movie twice in the past before. Both times, I thought the movie was just okay. I didn't understand why it was such a critically acclaimed film. This time, however, things changed, as evidenced by my #4 ranking. I freaking loved it. I don't know why my opinion changed so drastically. I think it was because I was watching with headphones on and with the cell phone put away. It takes away so much from a movie when you are looking at your phone and scrolling through Facebook or playing Candy Crush when trying to watch something. That didn't happen here. The Shape of Water had my undivided attention.

It's such a beautifully made film. I love the cinematography, the set design, the music, everything. Immediately, I found myself completely absorbed in the movie, almost like I was a part of the action myself. Not only is it a well-made movie, I was very interested in the human/fish creature relationship, particularly how things developed from "oh look at this scary, but intriguing thing" to "let me bang it." It was much more of a natural progression this time around, and it didn't seem forced or unnatural like it did in past viewings. 

Anyway, great movie. I totally get why people like it now.

The Help

My experience with The Help was very similar to my experience with The Shape of Water. I have seen the movie a few times in the past. Always thought it was "meh." Decided to give it one more shot. Devoted my full attention to it. Freaking loved it.

Everything about this movie is great. I love the cinematography, the music, the set design - and mostly the acting. Everyone in this movies seems to give the performance of a lifetime. It's an incredibly emotional and touching movie too. I was in tears almost the entire way through the movie, which is pretty unheard of for me. I'm usually an emotionless statue whenever I watch something. That's how you know I like something: when it resonates so emotionally with me.

I can see why this is such a popular movie. Because it's good! I'm so glad I came back and gave this movie another chance. It definitely earns its #3 spot on my ranking.

The Terminator

Unlike the last two movies listed, I have always loved the Terminator. Not to this extent, though. My 2024 viewing of this film hit different for some reason. I was 100% "into it" from beginning to end.

It's such a tense movie, which I think can be easy to overlook when you already know the plot of the film and what is going to happen. I couldn't help but feel the panic that Sarah Connor felt when she noticed that other people named Sarah Connor were being eliminated. That whole scene at the Tech Noir was freaking amazing. That sequence where Sarah knocks over her drink, bends over to pick it up, the Terminator walks past, and Sarah sits up is amazing. And when the music slows down and she makes eye contact with Kyle Reese (who she thinks is the killer) is incredible. Just truly terrific filmmaking right there.

This was easily the best viewing of The Terminator I've ever had. It has moved up in my books from being a good movie to being an amazing movie. I loved every second of it. It inspired me to watch all the sequels, too, which I didn't really have any intent to do. It also introduced me to the screenshot above, which apparently is a giant meme/inside joke in Terminator groups on Facebook.

A Star is Born

No one is more surprised than me at this movie's #1 ranking. I've been avoiding this film for years, because I always thought it looked like something I wouldn't like. I finally decided to give it a shot in 2024, and all I can say is wow. I thought this movie was absolutely fantastic.

I've always been a fan of biopics about musical artists. While this is not a biopic, it has a similar feel, with the big booming concerts and the musical montages. You can actually buy that these two characters are big stars.

What carries the movie for me though is the acting. Lady Gaga totally steals the show the entire movie. You can buy her humble origin story, and her slow progression into stardom. My favorite scene in the movie, and perhaps of any movie I watched this year, was when she comes out to see Bradley Cooper's concert backstage and he pulls her out on stage with him to sing Shallow, her original song. The whole damn scene gave me goosebumps. Watching her nervously walk out on stage, and then end up belting this song that SHE WROTE in front of thousands of screaming fans. It was like watching her dream come true right before our very eyes. Admittedly, I was tearing up for this entire scene, my mouth hanging open like a dead fish. But they were happy tears.

The whole movie is an emotional rollercoaster. So many highs and so many lows. And I loved every second of it. When this movie ended, I just had to sit there in silence for a little bit to process it.

Not only did I love the movie, I loved the music too. I put a ton of songs from this film onto my various playlists. Obviously Shallow is a good one, but "I'll Never Love Again" and "I'll Always Remember Us This Way" are absolute bangers.

When I am done watching most movies, I turn them off and move on with my life. But that didn't happen here. This movie occupied my mind for literally months after I was done with it. I can't say this is something that has happened with many other films in my life.

So there you have it. A Star is Born is my #1 movie I watched in 2024. Bet you didn't have that on your bingo card.

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