Sunday, April 28, 2024

Video Game Review #508: Rygar


Nostalgia Factor:

I haven't played Rygar in nearly 30 years. I remember enjoying the game when I was a kid - both the Nintendo and the arcade versions of the game. I remember them being distinctly different. The arcade game was more of a straightforward side-scroller, and the NES version was a Metroid-like title where you could backtrack and get lost. As much as I enjoyed these games, I never really got to play them. I encountered the arcade unit in the wild only once or twice. I played the NES version at a friend's house once or twice. I was never able to truly dive into either game.

Now that I finally have the means to do so, I have decided to revisit these games. I will play the NES version sometime in the future. But for now - the arcade version. 


The game starts with a screen that says:

"4.5 billion years have passed since Earth's creation. Many dominators have ruled in all their glory, but time was their greatest enemy and it defeated their reign. And now a new dominator's reign begins..."

And then you are thrown into the game - a 2D side-scroller with a fantasy setting. No explanation of who you are, what you are doing, or who you are fighting. Nothing. 


This is a very simple game. You move left and right on the screen. You jump. You attack with your weapon, a circley-looking blade thing on a chain. If you get hit one time, you die. Yes, it is one of those games. The good news is that enemies are fairly easy to beat, going down with just a hit or two.

The main goal of the game is to make it through 27 levels. You can get through most of these levels pretty quickly, like within a minute or two. You see your progress on a little tiny bar on the bottom right of the screen. You can rush through things and try to muscle your way to the end of the level. But like I said - one hit kills you. But you do pick up right where you left off. There is no backtracking or having to replay areas. That is nice. If you are emulating and have unlimited quarters, you can just keep pumping them in and pushing forward. You'll get there eventually. I can only imagine in the actual arcade this would be much more difficult. I can't imagine ever beating it, as I normally had no more than a few dollars of quarters at a time. I imagine you have to play in a more strategic fashion, being careful not to get hit as you slowly make your way through the level.

Enemies come at you from all over the place. Above you, below you, in front of you, behind you. You can't let your guard down for a second or you can find yourself overwhelmed. This is a game where fast reflexes will suit you well. Otherwise you may find yourself getting frustrated quickly. But like I said - if you die, you start pretty much right where you left off. So while the game is tough, it is completely doable. Sort of.

Here is the twist. After level 21, the game doesn't let you continue anymore. It doesn't matter how many quarters you put in. So if you only have one or two lives left, you have to beat the game on those remaining lives. If you lose them, you have to start the ENTIRE game over again. What. While I won't say that beating the game under these conditions is necessarily impossible, it is certainly not something I would have the time or the patience for. I have no problem admitting that I used save states to cheese my way through the last part of the game. If the game is going to play dirty, I am going to play dirty too.


This game looks fine, I guess. No, let me take that back. It doesn't look great. It looks very primitive. I have a feeling they were going for kind of a Rastan vibe here, but I don't think they succeeded. I suppose I should fact check to see which game came out first, but who are we kidding? I don't do research here.

I do give the game props for the sunset stages. Just thinking of the word Rygar immediately brings those background colors to the forefront of my mind. Very iconic. It's too bad the rest of the game looks like it was done in MS paint. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. It's not that bad. But it almost is.


Don't expect much from the game's music. All 27 stages consist of the same one or two songs the entire way. And they aren't even that good! The music that plays when you beat the game is a real eardrum-piercer, too. Seriously, WTF?


Meh. This game was really just not my cup of tea. It's a shame, because I really remember enjoying it when I was a kid. Oh well. At least I have the NES version to look forward to. I am almost certain I'll like that version much better. But this one? I didn't particularly care for it.

I'm not going to say that this is some terrible, trash game. There's some kind of value here if you are into this kind of thing, or if you have nostalgia for it. That said, I didn't like it much. Now that I've beaten the game for the purposes of this review, I am probably done with it for life. I don't see a reason to come back.


For a complete index of all my past posts and game reviews, click

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Video Game Review #507: Jeopardy!


Nostalgia Factor:

Back in the 1990s, my family had a home computer with a very limited number of games on it. One of those games was Jeopardy! I was always a big fan of the show, catching it on TV every day after I would get home from school. I never knew most of the answers, but I still enjoyed watching the show and playing along at home. Of course, I naturally gravitated towards this game as soon as we got it.

While I wouldn't say I was an expert or anything, I played the game enough to become pretty decent at it. I'd beat the computer more often than not. Sometimes I'd play against family and friends, and I would usually win there, too (unless I was playing my stepbrother Joe). One category I excelled at was anything to do with the Bible, as I was in Christian grade school at the time. Nowadays, it is one of my worst categories, but back then, I would sweep the entire category. Helpful for building a giant lead, considering my knowledge of most of the other categories was severely lacking.

Eventually I moved on from the game as I became more heavily invested in home consoles. Why play Jeopardy when I had a massive library of Saturn, N64, and PS1 games to play instead? I'd say that a good 30 years have passed since I've even given this game a second thought. How would I feel revisiting it in the year 2024? Let's dive in!


This game has no story. You control a character who is playing Jeopardy. The game does allow for returning champions, however, so I guess if you wanted to go on a Ken Jennings-like winning streak and make up a story in your head about it that way, nothing would be stopping you. Just don't expect a plot or anything from this game. This game gets right down to business: playing Jeopardy. And that's it.


I started replaying Jeopardy on my RetroPie, using a regular game controller. It's a little awkward using this controller. You have to press select to bring up a virtual keyboard, and then make your selection or type in your answer that way. Yeah, yeah. Answer/question, whatever you want to call it. For simplicity's sake, I am just going to say "answer" from here on out, even though it is not technically correct. My point is: it's a little tedious, pecking away at this digital keyboard one letter at a time. Makes things go very slowly.

When I was a kid, I had played the game using a keyboard, and I thought everything worked great. Your experience will definitely suffer using a controller. Just for shits and giggles, I hooked up a USB keyboard to my RetroPie to see if it would improve the experience... and it did! I thought it would be just a minor improvement, but it made a world of difference. Moral of the story: use a keyboard for this game, if you can.

This game works exactly as a round of Jeopardy would work. You have a board of six categories, each one containing five different questions worth varying dollar amounts. You make your pick. The question comes up on the screen. You have to buzz in and type your answer in. If you are correct, you earn the dollar amount of the question. If you are wrong, you lose that much money. The game is played in two rounds, with the second round being worth more money. After the rounds are complete, you take part in Final Jeopardy, where you make a wager. Whoever finishes the game with the most money wins.

Playing against friends is truly great fun. Playing against the computer can be an up and down affair. Keep in mind that I played against the computer for review purposes. I've played with friends in the past, but not this time around.

Why is it so irritating to play against the computer? A number of reasons. The first being that the computer buzzes in ridiculously fast sometimes. You barely get to read a word or two on the screen before they buzz in. It feels completely unfair at times. The good news is that they are often incorrect, so that's cool. Another thing that makes it annoying is that when they don't buzz in quickly, they buzz in too slowly. There is nothing more frustrating than when a question comes up that you don't know the answer to, so you decide to let the timer run out. Nearly every time, the computer will buzz in with one or two ticks left on the timer. If they are incorrect, the timer resets. Oftentimes the OTHER computer controlled character will then buzz in when the timer is almost down to zero. It is very annoying. Makes some of these games drag on and on forever.

Something I have to question is the algorithm for putting in a correct response. I'll give an example. The question was "the number of sides on a rectangle." Obviously, the number is four. I type in four. Nope! Incorrect. The computer buzzes in and answers 4. They are awarded the points. Seriously, WTF? You couldn't figure out that "four" was the same thing as "4"? I wish I had written down some more examples, but I got screwed a number of times on things where I felt I had put in the correct answer, but the computer decided not to give it to me.

Those are my main complaints with the game. My last complaint is of no fault of the game itself. The trivia questions are very outdated. There was one game I played where I didn't know a single thing on an entire game board. Absolutely none of the trivia was relevant here in 2024. Like I said, this is of no fault of the game itself. This title was released in 1987. It is nearly 40 years old. Of course the questions are going to be old. 


This game doesn't look good by today's standards, but does it really matter? This is a trivia game. You aren't playing for pretty graphics. The game board looks fine. I always liked how you have a choice of multiple character models to pick from when creating a contestant. Does the game look special, or even particularly good? No. But it doesn't need to be.


Take exactly what I said about the graphics and apply it to the music, too. Does the game sound great? No, but it doesn't really need to. You don't play trivia games for fancy graphics and sound effects. I appreciate how they attempted to recreate the Jeopardy theme with late 80s beeps and bloops. Doesn't really sound good, but it is still quite charming.


I'm glad I decided to revisit this game. It is still quite fun, faults and all. I'm sure there are bigger and better Jeopardy games that have been released since this first came out, but I haven't played them. So for now, this game stands out as the definitive Jeopardy title in my mind. Emphasis on for now. I do plan to play some other versions of this game someday. But considering this came out in 1987, when I was five years old, it's quite impressive that this game is still as good as it is.

If you've never played it, it is definitely worth a look. Unless you hate Jeopardy. Then I'd avoid it. It does have some very annoying things about it. It kept me from enjoying this title in the same way I did with Wheel of Fortune for the PC, which I also grew up playing. But I still like it.


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Monday, April 22, 2024

My Thoughts on Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

Of all the movies out there, why am I writing about the godawful Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider movie? To be honest, I'm not really sure.

When I was a young man in the 90s, I was a huge fan of the Tomb Raider video games. I owned the original trilogy on the Sony PlayStation, and boy did I play the ever loving heck out of these games. Most of the media's focus on Tomb Raider was lasered in on its protagonist: Lara Croft. Most notably, her giant polygonal boobs and her good looks. I didn't care about any of that. I loved Tomb Raider because of the massive levels, the thought-provoking puzzles, and the completely isolated sense of immersion I always felt when playing these games.

When the movie came out, I was very stoked to see it. Back then, Angelina Jolie was a relative unknown (to me, anyway). But I thought she was perfectly cast as Lara Croft. The trailers and the commercials for the movie made it look like it was going to be super awesome. Yeah, movies based on video games had a rocky history (Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros, Double Dragon, Mortal Kombat Annihilation, etc), but there was absolutely no way they could mess this up.

The movie came out in June of 2001. For whatever reason, I was unable to see it for the first few weeks it was in the theater. I was dating a girl named Colleen at the time, and we were early in our relationship. She was my first serious girlfriend. While I wanted to see the movie, I was probably too enamored and busy with her to make it a real priority. She did buy me a giant poster of the movie, which we hung on our wall, though. That was cool.

My birthday rolled around in July of 2001. Tomb Raider had been out for over a month, and was on its way out of the theaters. I had one more weekend to see it. Since it was my birthday weekend, I wanted to go see the movie as a special treat before it was too late. There was only one problem. My girlfriend was entertaining friends from out of state who were visiting for the weekend. These guys were film students from California, and according to Colleen - giant movie snobs. She mentioned to them about how I wanted to go see the Tomb Raider movie and their response was to laugh and say "ew, why would anyone want to see that?"

I felt immediate rejection. Not only were they basically saying no to seeing the movie, they had laughed in my face about me wanting to see it. My hopes and dreams for seeing Tomb Raider were going out the window. Colleen must have seen how disappointed I'd been, because the very next day she told me that she'd talked her friends into going out to see the movie with us. I was overjoyed. I was going to get to see Tomb Raider on the big screen!

My elation turned to immediate disappointment nearly as soon as the movie started. Techno music. A giant robot chasing after Lara Croft. Cheesy early 90s effects in a 2001 movie. Terrible acting. Angelina Jolie walking around and making little Lara Croft orgasm noises. What the fuck was I watching?

The movie didn't get any better either. An incomprehensible plot. Plodding pace. Characters that I cared nothing about. And the hyper sexualization of Lara Croft was some of the cringiest shit I'd ever seen.

Our movie snob friends were laughing and openly mocking the movie the whole time we were watching it. I just sat in my seat, fuming. But I couldn't even be mad at these guys because they were right. The movie was absolute horse shit.

I remember being SO disappointed about the movie. It may go down as truly one of the most disappointing movie experiences I've ever had. I had been so, so very excited to see this, and it had turned out to be completely awful. What were the movie makers thinking? It's like they'd never played the games and they had no idea what fans out there wanted. I wanted a female Indiana Jones movie with a globe trotting plot, tense atmosphere, and a magical sense of discovery and exploration. Instead I got something that felt like it was written by some overcaffeinated virgin with ADD.

As the years have passed, I've given the movie a few additional tries. I got it when it came out on DVD. Nope, still didn't like it. Watched it a few years later. Still didn't like it. Watched it a couple days ago: still didn't like. Every time I watch this movie I come into it with some kind of false hope that maybe this will be the time I finally get some enjoyment out of it. And that enjoyment never comes.

I think I'm writing this because I've finally come to terms with the fact that this is not a good movie. I could watch it a hundred times, and I would dislike it each and every time. Hence - there is no reason for me to watch this movie again. I have watched it for the last time. Yeah, that's why I am writing. To say fuck you, Tomb Raider. To let you all know I'm never watching this crap again.

This is my final goodbye. You had such potential. Angelina Jolie was so well-cast in the role. But you blew it. You know you blew it when someone like me takes the time to write an entire blog post about how big of a let-down this movie was, 23 years after it was initially released. You done fucked up.


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Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Video Game Review #506: Dead Space

Dead Space
PlayStation 3

Nostalgia Factor:

I first played the original Dead Space back in 2009. I'm a big fan of the survival horror genre, and I had heard so many good things about the game, that I came into it with the expectation that it would completely blow me away. Instead, I walked away from the game shrugging my shoulders and saying "eh, it was okay." In the years that have passed, I've played both of its sequels. Each title seemed to get worse in quality, to the point where I actively didn't like Dead Space 3 one tiny bit.

Random trivia - Dead Space 3 was my first review for this blog 9 years ago. Read it here.

Anyway, since it has been so long since I've played the game, I decided to come back to it and give it another chance. And you know what? I liked it a lot more this around. Keep reading for my full review.


You play as Isaac, a silent protagonist. Isaac and his crew come across a station in space that is completely radio silent. They land on it, and quickly discover it's been overtaken by horrifying parasitic alien creatures. While exploring the station, you find out that a giant alien monolith had been brought aboard from the planet below, and that this artifact is what was causing the insanity. You have to get rid of the artifact, blow up the station, and get out of dodge.

That's the super quick version of the game's story. As you play, you interact with members of your crew, along with the people you meet on the station along the way. Audio logs detail what was happening right before the collapse of the station. The whole thing has a very Bioshock feel to it - minus the plot twists and shocking moments. 


This is a behind-the-back shooter, at least I consider it more of a shooter than I do a survival horror game. Objectives are fairly linear. You can just follow the blue marker to where it is that you need to go next. It is worth veering off the beaten path, though, so you can find extra health items, ammo, money, power nodes, etc.

Combat is pretty fun. You have to aim for your enemies' limbs. You can fire into the body and beat them that way too, but taking out the limbs is much faster and more efficient. As you make your way through the game, you gain access to stores where you can buy new items, weapons, and suit upgrades. You also can find hidden power nodes to upgrade your equipment.

Issac has the ability to slow time, which is helpful when you need to zoom in and target the limbs. These enemies move pretty quick. He also has a gravity gun that you can use to pick up and throw things. I find that throwing things at enemies was fairly ineffective, however.

As I said before, the whole game consists of following the blue marker. You make it to an objective. You complete whatever the objective is (usually it is something easy like throwing a switch). Then you go back to the tram station and move along to your next objective. You fight a lot of enemies along the way. Oftentimes you enter rooms where you have to beat waves of them before you can move on. There are tough boss fights scattered along the way as well. Combat is pretty easy to get the hang of. The controls are responsive, and the weapons are very user friendly. But like I said, this game is definitely more of a shooter than anything else. Yeah, the environments are a little scary and the game presents itself as a horror game, but let's not kid ourselves. You do more fighting than puzzle solving. You do more fighting than you do anything else. It's a shooter.

I had a fun time with the game. I was glued to it, moving my way from chapter to chapter, of which there are 12 in total. It is fast paced, and easy to pick up and play. And it does not overstay its welcome, wrapping up around the 10 hour mark for me. Did I enjoy it more than I did the first time I played it back in 2009? Yes.


It's crazy to see how much graphical advancements in video games have stalled out in the past 15 years. For example, compare Super Mario Bros. which came out in 1985 to something that came out in the year 2000, like Majora's Mask or Perfect Dark. The difference is night and day. On the flip side, compare this game, which I last played in 2009 (it's actually a year older than that), to something released here in 2024, and the difference is not that vast.

This game still looks good. This game looks like it could have been released in the last few years. I'm sure if I wanted to nitpick the game, I could. But to me, it looks fantastic. Great character models, great haunting atmospheric design. It's a very engaging and cinematic game, from start to finish.

I'm a little curious to play the recent remake. Part of me is wondering if a remake was even necessary for this game, due to how well it still holds up. I didn't think the Resident Evil 4 remake was something that was necessary either. In fact, I didn't even think it was an improvement on the original game at all. I imagine I will probably feel the same way about the Dead Space remake.


This game sounds great. I have nothing to complain about. Voice acting is good. The ambient music and sound effects fit the tone of the game perfectly. You really feel like you're wandering around this broken down space station, with computers humming and pipes hissing and distant clanking sounds as unseen aliens make a ruckus offscreen. 


I will gladly admit I was wrong about this game. I don't know why I was so unimpressed by it when it first came out, but I appreciate it now. It's fun, fast paced, and very focused. You won't be lost for hours wandering around aimlessly in the bowels of this ship. For the most part, you know where you are and what you are supposed to do, with each objective contained within one of the game's 12 chapters.

I think maybe I was expecting Resident Evil in space the first time I played this. I may have been let down by the lack of puzzles, intriguing side characters, plot twists, and overall feel of terror and tension while playing this. It is true, the game is not very scary. You'd think it would be considering how dark it is and how terrifying the monsters are. But when you know you can just blow everything away with little to no trouble, it really makes it hard to be scared. Even when you do die, the game's automated checkpoints put you right back to before you died, and you can just try again.

I appreciate Dead Space for what it is - a fun and entertaining shooter with a science fiction setting. I played through the whole game in just a couple of days, which is rare for me because I have such a limited window of time each day to play games. But once I started, I just could not put it down.

I wouldn't say Dead Space is an all-time great, but it is a darn good game. 


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Saturday, April 6, 2024

2024 Movie Rankings: March

I only watched seven movies in the month of March. Time for me to give my thoughts on each of these movies. My five favorites will move onto my year end movie rankings, which means only two will not move on. Should be a quick one this month. Which movies will make the cut and which will not? Let's find out!

The 7 movies I watched in the month of March:
Dawn of the Dead
The Illusionist
The Prestige
Donnie Darko
Open Water
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbird and Snakes
The Skeleton Key

Not moving on:

Donnie Darko
I'm actually a bit surprised this is not making the cut, especially when going up against such a small pool of movies. While I like this film, I've seen it a handful of times now and the mystery, intrigue, and otherworldiness of it has lost its grip on me. When I saw this the first time, a long time ago, I was blown away by it. The second time I was, too. But now? Eh.

Dawn of the Dead (2004)
I really enjoyed this movie. I had a more fun time watching it than I did Donnie Darko. It's fun, fast paced, and a good way to pass some time. The only problem is that I've seen it a ton of times already and while it is a fun popcorn movie, I liked the other movies I watched this month just a bit more.

Moving on:

Open Water
Admittedly, I had never heard of this movie before. I started listening to a Staff Picks episode on it, and as soon as I heard the hosts say what it was about, I stopped the podcast and found a way to watch this movie online. The thought of being stranded out in the open ocean with no rescue in sight, sharks swirling around below you, and not even having something to hang onto is something I knew would make a good movie. I really enjoyed it, despite the low budget. Kudos to Staff Picks because I never would have found this movie without the podcast. Get ready to hear much more about Staff Picks because....

The Illusionist
This is another movie I never would have seen or heard of if it were not for Staff Picks. The host Mario did back to back episodes on this movie and The Prestige, two movies centered around magicians which are forever linked because they came out around the same time. I watched The Illusionist first. I have to say I really liked the movie. If you compare it to The Prestige, it's more of a "popcorn" movie that is easy to follow, and moves along a lot quicker. I have to say I liked The Prestige a bit more, but that's not to say I didn't have a fun time watching this.

The Prestige
While similar in theme, it is a different movie tonally than The Illusionist. It is more of an artsy, slow burn type movie. You really have to pay attention as you are watching this, because little hints and clues as to what happens are dropped the whole way through. I didn't like this at first, and ended up falling asleep less than 30 minutes into the movie. I came back to it the next night and found myself completely getting wrapped up in the movie, watching on the edge of my seat. I quickly found myself saying "how did I not like this???" Great movie, and a contender to finish at or near the top when my year end ranking is said and done.

The Skeleton Key
Oh look, another movie I watched because of Staff Picks. Noticing a trend here? This movie was a lot of fun. It's a horror movie, but it is more mysterious than scary. It's about a nurse who moves into a house to take care of a bed-ridden old man, and she quickly is led to believe that the man's wife is casting some kind of hoodoo spell on him. Turns out to be a big ruse, leading the nurse into a trap. I don't want to spoil too much, but the twist at the end is similar to Get Out. You should watch it. It is good.

Last but not least,

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Hey! Something I didn't learn about through Staff Picks. I've been wanting to see this movie for a while now because I like the Hunger Games, but I never got around to it till now. It is a lot different from what I expected, but in a good way. It's interesting seeing the tenth edition of the games, and how it is so primitive compared to the big production we see in the Jennifer Lawrence movies. It's a fun and exciting movie. I didn't mind the singing either. I know people like to hate the main actress, Rachel Zeigler, but she did a fine job in this movie. Too bad we aren't getting any more Hunger Games films because this one was surprisingly good.

BOOM! With these 5 movies advancing, here is a look at the top 15. 3 months down, 9 to go! At the end, we'll have 60 movies - 5 from each month that move on. And then I will determine my favorite.
A Star is Born
Mystic River
Legends of the Fall
Gerald's Game
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Extended Edition
Fried Green Tomatoes
The Four Falls of Buffalo
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Open Water
The Skeleton Key
The Illusionist
The Prestige

Past rankings:

Monday, April 1, 2024

2024 things (March)

January 2024
February 2024

3.1.24: Watched 1 episode of The Challenge UK (1.04). Listened to 1 episode of the Retrograde podcast (ep 155). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour podcast (2/28/24 episode). Watched 1 episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender 2024 (1.05). Watched 1 episode of Somebody Feed Phil (The Real Orlando).

3.2.24: Watched 2 episodes of Australian Survivor (11.07 and 11.08). Watched 1 episode of The Challenge UK (1.05). Listened to 1 episode of the 7th Rule podcast (ep 225). Listened to 1 episode of Arcade Attack podcast (Secret Santa 2019). Watched 1 episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender 2024 (1.06). Watched 1 episode of The Tourist (1.01).

3.3.24: Watched 2 episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender 2024 (1.07 and 1.08). Listened to 1 episode of Staff Picks podcast (The Prestige). Listened to 1 episode Dynasty Happy Hour podcast (ep 389). 

3.4.24: Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Cinema (ep 26). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Gaming (Game Launch Edition: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy). Listened to 1 episode Dynasty Happy Hour podcast (ep 351). Listened to 1 episode of The Cartridge Club podcast (CC Portable #2). 

3.5.24: Listened to 1 episode of Digging Six Feet Under podcast (True Blood). Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.09). Watched 1 episode of Death Note (1.25). 

3.6.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.10). Finished video game: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! Watched 1 episode of The Tourist (1.02).

3.7.24: Listened to 1 episode of Birds of Empire podcast (ep 1). Listened to 1 episode of Arcade Attack podcast (2010 to 2020: A Decade of Retro Gaming). Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.11). Listened to 1 episode of Worth it or Worthless podcast (ep 107). Watched 1 episode of MH370: The Plane That Disappeared (1.01).

3.8.24: Watched 2 episodes of Australian Survivor (11.12 and 11.13). Finished video game: Pepsiman. Listened to 1 episode of Birds of Empire podcast (ep 2). Listened to 1 episode of Dynasty Happy Hour podcast (ep 390). 

3.9.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.14). Watched 2 episodes of MH370: The Plane That Disappeared (1.02 and 1.03). Watched 1 episode of Somebody Feed Phil (Iceland).

3.10.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.15). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Cinema podcast (ep 10).

3.11.24: Listened to 1 episode of Dynasty Happy Hour podcast (ep 349). Listened to 1 episode of Birds of Empire podcast (01.03). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Gaming podcast (Anniversary Special Part 1 Fable 2004). Listened to 1 episode of NewTubers podcast (Somecallmejohnny).

3.12.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.16). Listened to 1 episode of Cartridge Club podcast (CC Weekly #55). Listened to 1 episode of Birds of Empire podcast (01.04). Watched 1 episode of The Tourist (1.03).

3.13.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.17). Listened to 1 episode of Staff Picks podcast (The Illusionist). Finished video game: Ecco The Tides of Time for Sega CD.

3.14.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.18). Listened to 1 episode of the Retrograde podcast (ep 157).

3.15.24: Watched movie: Dawn of the Dead 2004. Listened to 1 episode of Now Playing: The Movie Review podcast (Impostor). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour podcast (3.8.24 episode). 

3.16.24: Watched 1 episode of The Tourist (1.04). Watched 1 episode of Till Murder Do Us Part: Soering vs Haysom (1.01).

3.17.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.19). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Gaming podcast (Game Launch Edition: Persona 3 Reload). Watched 1 movie: The Illusionist.

3.18.24: Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Cinema podcast (ep 27). Listened to 1 episode of Dynasty Happy Hour podcast (ep 391). Listened to 1 episode of Cartridge Club podcast (ep 126). Listened to 1 episode of the 7th Rule podcast (ep 226). Finished video game: Hogwarts Legacy.

3.19.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.20). Watched movie: The Prestige. Listened to 1 episode of the Retrograde podcast (ep 158). Listened to 1 episode of Arcade Attack podcast (Bonus Podcast: PlayStation Classic Wrongness). 

3.20.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.21). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour podcast (3/14/24 episode). Watched 2 episodes of X-Men '97 (1.01 and 1.02). Listened to 1 episode of Cartridge Club podcast (CC Weekly #56). 

3.21.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.22). Watched 1 episode of Till Murder Do Us Part: Soering vs Haysom (1.02). Listened to 1 episode of Staff Picks podcast (Copycat).

3.22.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.23). Watched 1 episode of Death Note (1.26). Finished video game: Skyblazer. Listened to 1 episode of Dynasty Happy Hour podcast (ep 392).

3.23.24: Watched 1 episode of Australian Survivor (11.24). Watched 1 episode of Till Murder Do Us Part: Soering vs Haysom (1.03). Watched 1 episode of Somebody Feed Phil (Kyoto). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour podcast (3/21/24 episode). Listened to 1 episode of Ear Biscuits podcast (ep 32). Watched 1 episode of Death Note (1.27). 

3.24.24: Listened to 1 episode of the Retrograde podcast (ep 159). Watched 1 episode of Till Murder Do Us Part: Soering vs Haysom (1.04). Listened to 1 episode of The Loser's Club podcast (Behind the Scenes of It Chapter 2 w/ Anthony Breznican). Watched 1 episode of 3 Body Problem (1.01). Watched 1 episode of Death Note (1.28). Watched movie: Donnie Darko. Watched 1 episode of Survivor (46.01).

3.25.24: Listened to 2 episodes of the Stephen King Cast (ep 63 and Bonus Episode-Rail and Road). Watched movie: Open Water. Watched 2 episodes of Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal (2.01 and 2.02). Listened to 1 episode of Ear Biscuits podcast (ep 33). Listened to 1 episode of the Retrograde podcast (ep 160).  Listened to 1 episode of the 7th Rule podcast (ep 227). Listened to 1 episode of Sega Saturn Shiro podcast (BONUS: Bulk Slash English Translation Patch Discussion). Listened to 1 episode Dynasty Happy Hour podcast (ep 348). Watched 1 episode of 3 Body Problem (1.02).

3.26.24: Listened to 1 episode of the Retrograde podcast (ep 161). Watched 2 episodes of Survivor (46.02 and 46.03). Watched 1 episode of Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal (02.03). Listened to 1 episode of Staff Picks podcast (Open Water). 

3.27.24: Watched 1 episode of Survivor (46.04). Listened to 1 episode of Worth it or Worthless podcast (ep 108). Watched 1 episode of The Amazing Race (11.01). Watched 1 episode of X-Men '97 (1.03). Listened to 1 episode of the Retrograde podcast (ep 163).

3.28.24: Listened to 1 episode of Birds of Empire podcast (ep 5). Watched 1 episode of 3 Body Problem (1.03). Watched 1 episode of Survivor (46.05). Watched 1 episode of The Amazing Race (11.02). Watched 1 episode of American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing (1.01). 

3.29.24: Watched movie: The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbird and Snakes. Watched 1 episode of The Amazing Race (11.03). Watched 1 episode of American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing (1.02). Watched 1 episode of 3 Body Problem (1.04).

3.30.24: Watched 1 episode of 3 Body Problem (1.05). Watched 1 episode of The Amazing Race (11.04). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour podcast (3/28/24 episode). Listened to 1 episode of The Loser's Club podcast (The Dark Tower III: The Wastelands). Watched movie: The Skeleton Key. Watched 1 episode of Somebody Feed Phil (Dubai).

3.31.24: Watched 2 episodes of 3 Body Problem (1.06 and 1.07). Finished video game: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse. 

Watched 18 episodes of Australian Survivor.
Listened to 7 episodes of the Dynasty Happy Hour podcast.
Listened to 7 episodes of the Retrograde Podcast.
Watched 7 movies.
Watched 7 episodes of 3 Body Problem.
Finished 6 video games.
Watched 5 episodes of US Survivor.
Listened to 5 episodes of the Fantasy Football Happy Hour podcast.
Listened to 5 episodes of Birds of Empire podcast.
Watched 4 episodes of Till Murder Do Us Part: Soering vs Haysom.
Listened to 4 episodes of Staff Picks podcast.
Listened to 4 episodes of the Cartridge Club podcast.
Watched 4 episodes of Somebody Feed Phil.
Watched 4 episodes of The Tourist.
Watched 4 episodes of Death Note.

Video Game Review #505: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Sega Genesis

Nostalgia Factor:

I missed out on this game as a kid. I wasn't a big Disney fan, and this title didn't really appeal to me with so many other great games out there to play. I ended up playing it for the first time back in 2014. I liked the game, but I wasn't blown away by it. I remember being able to beat it pretty easily. I filed my memories of the game away in the back of my mind and moved along with my business. I haven't given the game more than a second of thought in the 10 years since then. I can barely even remember anything about it. I remember it being a completely average side scroller, but other than that? That was it.

Well, I decided to come back and give the game another shot so that I could review it for my blog. How would I feel about it in present time? Would it stand out a little bit better this time? Let's find out!


If you've come for a deep, engaging storyline, you have come to the wrong place. Mickey and Minnie are dancing in the woods when Minnie is snatched by the evil witch Mizrabel, who is jealous of her youth and good looks.

Mickey embarks on a quest to Minnie back. His journey takes him through Mizrabel's Castle of Illusion - where Mickey must gather a set of magical gems in order to create the rainbow bridge he needs to enter Mizrabel's tower. Mickey defeats Mizrabel, and goes back to the woods with Minnie where they proceed to begin dancing again. The end.


As I mentioned in my opener, I came into this game not remembering much about it. In fact, it often felt like I was playing this for the first time as I made my way through the game. Controls are simple. Mickey can walk forward, jump, and throw items at enemies. Mastering the bounce jump will be critical to your success. You need to be able to learn how to bounce to higher areas by jumping off the heads of your enemies.

Each stage is made up of about 3 levels, each one ending in a boss battle that you must win before you can move onto the next stage. Mickey moves fairly slow. There is no run button in the game. This takes some time to get used to. Mickey also tends to stay in the center of the screen as you make your way through each level. I don't understand why they don't move him over to the left like they do with most 2D platformers. It feels like your rarely have chance to react to enemies, because you are already so close to them when they appear on the right edge of the screen.

Due to Mickey's slow speed and your proximity to the right side of the screen, it is best to be cautious and take your time as you make your way through the levels. Things like to pop up out of nowhere and cheap shot you, so you always must be vigilant. But if you take things nice and slow, the game becomes much more manageable. Some of the platform areas can be a bit challenging, especially given the floaty controls and the tiny margin for error. But it is nothing that is too overly frustrating. 

The thing I found the most frustrating about the game was its hit detection. There were times where I swear I was jumping on an enemy's head exactly as I should, and yet I would take damage. FOR NO REASON WHATSEOVER. This is especially noticeable in the "toy" stage with the wind-up soldiers and the worms that wiggle along the ground. There's almost no rhyme or reason as to why sometimes I take damage when I jump on them, and other times I bounce off of them with no problem. Very annoying.

I did enjoy the boss fights, as pattern recognition comes into play. It's always fun figuring out their patterns and determining their weaknesses. 

On the surface, this is a very basic 2D platformer. In fact, after I beat the game, I walked away from it wholly unimpressed, ready to give the game a C for being an average title. Luckily, I played through it a second time a few days later. I like to do that with a lot of retro games for some reason. I just did it with Skyblazer and I did it again here - with similar results. I appreciated Skyblazer more the second time around, and I appreciated this game more the second time around as well. It's a fun challenge, and I would have absolutely loved the game if I had played it as a kid.


This game looks really good, especially considering it is 34 years old at the time I'm writing this. Sheesh! The graphics are bright and colorful. They really bring the world of Mickey Mouse to life. The characters look good. The environments are magical and fun to look at. While I wouldn't say this game is beautiful and I wouldn't consider it one of the best looking 16 bit games of all time or anything, I still think the graphics serve their purpose and accomplish exactly what it is the game developers set out to do with them.


Even though I just beat this game twice, its music has already slipped out of my memory. It must have been nothing memorable or special. Just "good" Genesis music, befitting of a 2D platformer. The music certainly was not bad, or it would have stuck out to me in a negative way.

Some of the sound effects were very familiar to me. I swear there are some Sonic and Ecco sound effects in here. I can't remember exactly what they were, but I heard them, and they always made me smile when I did.


This is fun game. I'm glad I made myself play through it twice. I was not too impressed the first time around, but the second time was a different story. I could easily see this game joining my "rotation" of retro games that I play through every few years or so, like Resident Evil, Sonic, Mario, Contra, etc. Just something I can put on at any time and know that I'm going to have a good time playing it.

That said, this is a dime a dozen 2D platformer. Nothing you will see here, you haven't seen a thousand times before. It looks good, it plays good, and it is a fun and addicting challenge. But is the game original? Heck no. 

Castle of Illusion is definitely worth playing if you have the means to do so. But if you don't, I do not believe you'll be missing out on much if you decide to skip on this. It's a fun but not outstanding 2D platformer in a sea of fun but not outstanding 2D platformers.


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