11.01: Listened to 2 episodes of Carrier (ep 5 and ep 6). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Gaming (ep 47 pt 1). Watched 1 episode of Survivor (47.07).
11.02: Listened to 1 episode of Carrier (ep 7). Watched 2 episodes of The Amazing Race (13.05 and 13.06). Listened to 1 episode of The Losers Club (Recapping The Stand: The Vigil). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.02). Watched movie: Prey. Watched 1 episode of The Comeback: 2004 Boston Red Sox (ep 1).
11.03: Listened to 1 episode of Retroblast (Snatcher). Listened to 1 episode of Staff Picks (As Above, So Below). Listened to 1 episode of the Stephen Kingcast (ep 220). Watched movie (As Above, So Below).
11.04: Listened to 2 episodes of Dynasty Happy Hour (ep 413 and 414). Finished video game: Jersey Devil. Listened to 2 episodes of Arcade Attack (ep 184 and 185). Listened to 1 episode of Retrograde podcast (Banjo-Kazooie). Listened to 1 episode of Worth it or Worthless (ep 3). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Gaming (Parasite Eve). Watched 1 episode of Star Trek Lower Decks (5.03).
11.05: Watched 2 episodes of The Amazing Race (13.07 and 13.08). Watched 1 episode of This is the Zodiac Speaking (1.03). Watched 2 episodes of Big Brother Canada (10.03 and 10.04).
11.06: Watched movie: Saw V. Watched 1 episode of Band of Brothers (1.06). Watched 3 episodes of The Amazing Race (13.09, 13.10, and 13.11). Listened to 1 episode of the Stephen Kingcast (ep 221). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.05). Listened to 1 episode of Unsolved Mysteries (Where's Alicia?).
11.07: Listened to 1 episode of the Cartridge Club (CC Weekly #78). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour (11.5.24 episode). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.06). Watched movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Watched 1 episode of Survivor (47.08). Watched 1 episode of Homicide: Los Angeles (2.01).
11.08: Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.07). Listened to 1 episode of Dynasty Happy Hour (ep 415). Watched 1 episode of Homicide: Los Angeles (2.02). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Gaming (Game Launch Edition: Call of Duty Black Ops 6). Watched 1 episode of The Comeback: 2004 Boston Red Sox (ep 2).
11.09: Watched 1 episode of Homicide: Los Angeles (2.03). Listened to 1 episode of Retrograde podcast (Wario's Woods). Listened to 2 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour (11.7 and 11.8.24 episodes). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.08). Listened to 1 episode of Digging Six Feet Under (S05E06). Watched 1 episode of The Comeback: 2004 Boston Red Sox (ep 3).
11.10: Finished video game: Lego Indiana Jones The Original Adventures. Listened to 1 episode of The Losers Club (Recapping the Stand: The Walk). Watched movie: Star Trek The Motion Picture. Listened to 1 episode of Sega Saturn Shiro (Editor's Corner 7). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Cinema (Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke). Listened to 1 episode of Retrograde podcast (Batman Returns SNES). Listened to 1 episode of Staff Picks (Who Can Kill a Child?). Listened to 1 episode of the 7th Rule (T7R#252). Listened to 1 episode of the Stephen Kingcast (ep 222). Listened to 1 episode of I Finally Watched (ep 3). Listened to 1 episode of Worth it or Worthless (ep 4). Listened to 1 episode of Arcade Attack (ep 186).
11.11: Watched movie: A Quiet Place Day One. Watched 1 episode of Star Trek Lower Decks (5.04). Listened to 1 episode of Retroblast (The Thing 2002). Listened to 1 episode of Arcade Attack (ep 187). Listened to 1 episode of Unsolved Mysteries (Blood & Oil). Listened to 1 episode of Ear Biscuits (ep 44). Listened to 1 episode of The Losers Club (Recapping the Stand: The Stand). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour (11.11.24 episode). Listened to 1 episode of Worth it or Worthless (ep 5). Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.01). Finished video game: Heavy Barrel.
11.12: Watched movie: Sleeping with the Enemy. Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.02). Watched 1 episode of Killing Eve (3.01). Listened to 1 episode of Unsolved Mysteries (Silent Witness).
11.13: Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.03). Watched 2 episodes of Homicide: Los Angeles (2.04 and 2.05). Watched 3 episodes of Big Brother Canada (10.09, 10.10, and 10.11). Listened to 1 episode of The Cartridge Club (ep 52).
11.14: Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.04). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Gaming (Ep 48 Part 1). Listened to 1 episode of Retrovaniacs (ep 2). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Cinema (Top 5 Favorite Cinema Snob Episodes + Bloodsucking Freaks Review). Watched 1 episode of Worst Ex Ever (1.01). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.12).
11.15: Watched 1 episode of Survivor (47.09). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour (11.12.24 episode). Watched 1 episode of Cobra Kai (6.06). Finished video game: Shining Force II. Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.05).
11.16: Watched 2 episodes of Big Brother Canada (10.13 and 10.14). Listened to 1 episode of The Losers Club (Recapping the Stand: The Circle Closes). Listened to 1 episode of Dynasty Fantasy Football - UTH (11.11.24 episode). Watched 1 episode of Cobra Kai (6.07). Listened to 1 episode of Post Show Recaps: The White Lotus (Post Show Recaps Rewatches Season 1). Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.06). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour (11.13.24 episode).
11.17: Listened to 1 episode of The Cartridge Club (CC Weekly #79). Listened to 1 episode of Retrograde podcast (Tetris for Gameboy). Listened to 1 episode of Arcade Attack (ep 188). Listened to 1 episode of Retroblast (Super Punch-Out!!). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Cinema (Street Fighter 1994). Listened to 1 episode of The Losers Club (Benjamin Cavell on landing Stephen King's Stand coda).
11.18: Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.07). Listened to 1 episode of Digging Six Feet Under (S05E07). Listened to 1 episode of Sega Saturn Shiro (BONUS PRGE 2022 Panel - Why You Should Own A Sega Saturn). Listened to 1 episode of Unsolved Mysteries (Deadly Intruders). Watched 1 episode of Star Trek Lower Decks (5.05).
11.19: Watched 1 episode of The Challenge Argentina (1.01). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Cinema (Intruder 1989). Watched 1 episode of Worst Ex Ever (1.02). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.15).
11.20: Listened to 1 episode of the Stephen Kingcast (ep 223). Watched 1 episode of The Challenge Argentina (1.02). Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.08). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.17). Finished video game: Parasite Eve. Listened to 1 episode of Dynasty Happy Hour (ep 416).
11.21: Listened to 1 episode of Arcade Attack (ep 189). Watched 1 episode of Survivor (47.10). Listened to 1 episode of the Cartridge Club (CC Weekly #80). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.18). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour (11.19.24 episode).
11.22: Listened to 1 episode of the Cartridge Club (CC Weekly #81). Listened to 1 episode of Worth it or Worthless (ep 6). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.19). Watched 1 episode of Cobra Kai (6.08). Watched 1 episode of The Challenge Argentina (1.03). Watched movie: Saw VI.
11.23: Watched 2 episodes of Cobra Kai (6.09 and 6.10). Listened to 1 episode of Digging Six Feet Under (S05E08). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.20). Watched 1 episode of Star Trek Lower Decks (5.06).
11.24: Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.09). Listened to 1 episode of Digging Six Feet Under (S05E09). Listened to 1 episode of Ear Biscuits (ep 45). Listened to 1 episode of the 7th Rule (T7R #253). Listened to 1 episode of Retrograde podcast (Crazy Taxi). Listened to 1 episode of Retrovaniacs (ep 3). Listened to 2 episodes of the Cartridge Club (CC Weekly #82 and CC Portable #8). Listened to 1 episode of Staff Picks (Dark Knight of the Scarecrow). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour (11.21.24 episode).
11.25: Listened to 1 episode of Sega Saturn Shiro (Editor's Corner: Ep 8). Listened to 1 episode of Digging Six Feet Under (S05E10). Listened to 1 episode of Unsolved Mysteries (Missing from the Bridge). Listened to 1 episode of the 7th Rule (T7R #254). Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Cinema (Terrifier 2). Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour (11.22.24 episode). Watched movie: Saw: The Final Chapter.
11.26: Watched 2 episodes of Big Brother Canada (10.21 and 10.22). Watched 1 episode of Band of Brothers (1.07). Watched 2 episodes of The Edge of Sleep (1.01 and 1.02).
11.27: Listened to 1 episode of Collateral Gaming (Ep 47 Part 2). Listened to 1 episode of Dynasty Happy Hour (ep 417). Listened to 1 episode of the 7th Rule (T7R#255). Listened to 1 episode of Sega Saturn Shiro (Editor's Corner: Ep 9). Watched 1 episode of The Challenge Argentina (1.04). Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.23). Watched 1 episode of The Edge of Sleep (1.03).
11.28: Watched movie: Jigsaw.
11.29: Watched 1 episode of Survivor (47.11). Listened to 1 episode of Arcade Attack (ep 190). Watched 3 episodes of The Edge of Sleep (1.04, 1.05, and 1.06). Finished video game: Crazy Taxi. Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.10).
11.30: Listened to 1 episode of Fantasy Football Happy Hour (11.26.24 episode). Watched 1 episode of The Challenge Argentina (1.05). Watched 1 episode of Worst Ex Ever (1.03). Watched Making Squid Game: The Challenge. Watched 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.24). Listened to 1 episode of Digging Six Feet Under (S05E11). Listened to 1 episode of Sega Saturn Shiro (Editor's Corner: Ep 10). Watched 1 episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (2.11).
22 episodes of Big Brother Canada watched
11 episodes of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles watched
10 movies watched
10 episodes of Fantasy Football Happy Hour played
7 episodes of The Amazing Race watched
7 episodes of Arcade Attack played
7 episodes of The Cartridge Club played
6 episodes of Digging Dix Feet Under played
6 video games completed
6 episodes of Edge of Sleep watched
*had to skip 1 episode of Big Brother Canada (10.16) as I could not find it anywhere to watch.