Friday, November 22, 2019

Re-Review #6: Contra

Nintendo Entertainment System

I didn’t really have any plans to replay Contra, but then along came the Contra Anniversary Collection for the PS4. As soon as I saw this collection and saw all the games on it that I had never played, I knew I had to buy it. Being the “play everything in order” kind of guy that I am, I decided to start going through these games from the very beginning, even though I have already played and reviewed the first game in the series. Would my opinion on it change almost 5 years after my initial review?

Nope. I still love this game. This is probably going to be the quickest and easiest re-review ever.

I fired up Contra and all the warm and fuzzy feelings I have about the game immediately came rushing in. The graphics, the music: classic.

I started playing the game and yep, just as fun as I remembered. I immediately found myself in that leaning forward position you get when you are concentrating really hard on something. I was bound and determined to beat this game, which I did after a few tries. Contra is fun, addictive, and a good challenge. I dare you to say anything bad about Contra. It's about as perfect an NES game as you can get. I don't know how I gave this game a score of A in my initial review. That’s criminal! Spoiler alert: I am giving it an A+ this time.

If you have never played Contra before, I advise you to get out there and do so. The Anniversary Collection gives you the perfect opportunity to give the game a whirl. Don’t let the game’s “legendary” difficulty affect your decision. I think its difficulty is overrated. It really isn’t that hard to me.

Yeah I guess you can say it is tough, but with a little trial and error it should only take you a couple of serious attempts before you make it to end and beat it. If you want extreme difficulty, I suggest you give Kid Icarus or Batman a try.

I don’t really have anything new to say that I haven’t already. Contra is an all-time classic and one of the best NES titles ever made. Play it. Love it.

Final Score:

Other games I have re-reviewed:

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