Thursday, March 7, 2019

Re-Review #5: Super Star Wars

Super Star Wars
Super Nintendo

Super Star Wars. Now that’s a game I haven’t heard of in a long time.

Well, not really. It depends on your definition of a long time. I last played and reviewed Super Star Wars back in January of 2015. That's a little over four years ago, if you are keeping track at home. My initial goal was to beat all of the Super Star Wars games in the span of just a few months and then put up reviews for them. That never happened. When I play and review games, I like to jump around from console to console and from genre to genre, mix it up. Every time I came back to the Super Nintendo, I was never in the mood to play Super Empire Strikes Back.

I still plan on getting around to the sequels… eventually. I just have to be in the mood to play them. That’s the problem with me. I always have an idea in my mind of what I want to play, but then when the time comes to actually start a new game, I pick something completely different. I am not too worried about it, though. I’ll get around to them someday.

But why would I come back and play Super Star Wars again in the first place? Simple: I am doing the one week free trial of PlayStation Now, and I saw this game on there. I was curious as to what kind of changes, if any, they’d have made to the game. Would it be a straight up port? Would the graphics or gameplay be changed? Would there be added content? There’d have to be trophy support, right?

Yes to some of those questions, no to some of the others. This is for the most part a straight up port of the original SNES game. The only changes are trophy support, which I predicted, and an added save feature. I didn’t think the save feature would add much to the game, but it did. This is a tough game. There is nothing worse than progressing deeply into the game, only to run out of lives or lose the powerful blaster upgrades you've been building up over time. With the save feature in play, you can periodically save your game as a fail safe in case you screw something up.

Other than that, don't expect to see many changes from the SNES version of the game. The graphics are the same, as are the music, the sound effects, the level design, the enemies, the controls, everything. This is literally a straight up port, aside from the added save feature and trophy support. Speaking of trophy support, I have to give props to the game's trophy system, as it encourages multiple playthroughs and gives the game replay value that it lacks otherwise.

If you are a fan of the original Super Star Wars, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't like this game. If you are new to the series, keep in mind that this series is notorious for its difficulty. Even after all these years of playing Super Star Wars, I still have to turn the difficulty down to easy in order to beat it. That is something I virtually NEVER have to do for video games, so that should tell you how hard it is.

Aside from the difficulty, this is a fun and action packed game. The bright colors, the music, the level design, the bosses, the collectibles, the ability to change characters and fighting styles, and the game's undeniable all around Star Wars charm make it a pretty darn good 90's 2D side scrolling shooter. I still don't consider it an all time classic, but I do think I was just a touch too harsh on it in my last review. I'm upping the score this time around to a regular old B instead of a B-.

This is a good, solid game. Again, not an all time classic, but still a good time.


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