Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Video Game Review #510: Himno

PlayStation 4

Nostalgia Factor:

I'm gonna be real here: I only downloaded this game because it contains an easy platinum trophy. I used to care a lot about my PlayStation Network trophies. I suppose I still kind of do. I haven't had much time to play games lately so I've found myself slipping in the trophy standings. Figured I should play a game with an easy platinum trophy to boost myself in the standings a little bit. Plus this game was cheap on the PlayStation store. I think I got it for, like, a dollar. If that. 

Cheap game, easy platinum: count me in. But would the game be any good? That's what we are here to find out.


If this game has a story, none of it is explained in-game. You're immediately thrust into action with no explanation of what is going on whatsoever. You never find out either, as this game does not have an ending.


When the game starts, you are given no guidance on what you are supposed to do. You are shown the controls, and that's about it. The game says: off you go!

This is a 2D side scrolling platformer. The controls are pretty good, and easy to get a hang of. Your little character runs, jumps, wall climbs, dashes, and double jumps all around these levels with the greatest of ease. 

With no guidance, it is up to you, the player, to figure out what you are supposed to do next. You'll quickly notice that there are no enemies. It's also very dark. When I first started playing, I found myself jumping and climbing upwards, not sure what I was supposed to be doing. I was collecting all kinds of little jewels and collectibles as I ran. I was lighting little camp fires, too. But what did any of this mean? What was I supposed to do?

Eventually I noticed a little door, which looked like it was filled with television static or something. I entered it, and it took me to an area titled District 2. I blindly made my way through this level, not really uncovering anything interesting until I found another static door. I entered it. Now I was in District 3.

I paused the game and came to the internet for help. Just what exactly was I supposed to be doing? Turns out, I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. Apparently this game is filled with a limitless number of randomly generated stages, or Districts. The goal of the game is to complete as many of these stages as possible before falling in the water and dying. Your end objective is to reach the highest number of District as you possibly can.

That's it. That's the point of the game. Just explore the levels and keep finding those grey static doors. Rinse and repeat, times infinity.

Well, that's fun... not!

No enemies to fight, no storyline to follow? You can't even beat the game? Eh. I quickly discovered that this was not a game that was meant for me. I liked the controls and I liked some of the ideas of the game, but I just didn't find it to be very fun. Everything is too dark. You can barely see where you are going. I always felt like I was faced with a situation where I had to make a leap of faith, because I had explored the entire level and couldn't find the static door. You know where that leap would take me? Right into the water and to my death. As easy as it sounds to just make it from District to District, especially with no enemies to contend with, it is much harder. I was getting hit with fluke or unfair deaths left and right. I couldn't see shit. It got to the point, and quickly, that I didn't want to play the game anymore.

Luckily it only took me 38 minutes or so to get the platinum trophy. I told you it was an easy one. I guess all you have to do is make it to District 6 and complete some other small menial tasks to get the trophy. Works for me!


Just look at these screenshots. Can you figure out anything that is going on in the game from these? I didn't think so. It doesn't look much better in-game, either. Now, I am no graphics snob. I just want a game to be fun. So I will go easy on this game's look. It's simplistic, it leaves a lot to the imagination. All of that can be forgiven.

What can't be forgiven is how fucking dark the game is. Half the challenge of the game is simply just seeing where you are supposed to go next. I can't tell you how many times I got stuck on a stage in this game, because I couldn't even see a logical way to proceed. Everything is so damn dark. This is a game that forces you into taking a lot of leap of faiths. More often than not, I found myself dying as a result of them. I don't think I made it much farther than District 10, but if I could see better, I could have made it much farther in the game. It is an active hindrance, and one that I am not sure I can forgive.


I guess this game sounds okay. It's mostly ambient sound effects and "relaxing" music, like something you would fall asleep to. There's no dialogue or anything memorable about the music itself. It does what it sets out to do. 


This is a tricky one. Games are generally easier to review when you have a strong opinion about them one way or the other. That didn't happen here. I didn't necessarily like or dislike this one. I'm indifferent. And that's not a good thing.

I can see the appeal of this game. It is marketed as a soothing or relaxing game. Pop this in when you're stressed out or you can't sleep. It has a calming feel to it. No combat, quiet music and sound effects. Just pure exploration.

At the same time, it is boring. And repetitive. All the levels look the same. The end goal never changes. Explore the stage and find the door to the exit. How many times can you do that before you start to get bored? The boredom set in very, very quickly for me.

I also feel the game is fundamentally flawed in many ways. It lacks direction. It's too dark. You can barely see anything. I found all of my playthroughs where I was making good progress derailed by having to make "leaps of faith" and then winding up in the water and then having to start the whole thing over again.

Meh. I'm not going to say this game is a complete failure or anything. I'm sure there is a market for this somewhere. It's just not for me. Thanks for the easy platinum trophy, Himno. I look forward to never playing you again.


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