Friday, September 1, 2023

Video Game Review #462: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Game Boy

Nostalgia Factor:

I have always been aware of how beloved this game is. Lots of reviewers out there hold this game up on a pedestal as one of the best retro handheld Mario games out there. Because I never owned a Game Boy growing up, I have never had the chance to play it. Well, as you loyal readers know, in the last couple years I've learned how to emulate, and I also have a RetroPie that I purchased online. There's no excuse for me to not play this game anymore.

Its time has finally come. Super Mario Land 2, are you as good as everyone says you are? It is time for me to find out.


While Mario was off adventuring during the original Super Mario Land, Wario was busy taking over Mario's home, brainwashing its inhabitants into believing that he was their new leader. Mario returns, and must gather the 6 Golden Coins he needs to gain access to Wario's castle. After defeating Wario, the spell is lifted and Mario regains control of his home turf.


This game seems to be heavily inspired by Super Mario World. The overworld map is very similar to what you'd see in that game, but with the ability to tackle the game's stages in any order you'd like. On the map you will find six different zones, each one representative of a different set of levels you must conquer. Beat the levels in the zone, defeat the boss at the end of these levels, and you get a golden coin. Once you've mastered all zones and have collected all the gold coins, you can enter the castle for the final showdown with Wario.

If you have played essentially any 2D Mario game out there, you'll be able to pick up and play this with relative ease. I mean, it's Mario. You run, jump, collect coins, break blocks, collect mushrooms to get big, jump on your enemies, kick turtles shells, etc. It looks, plays, and feels like a classic Mario game you'd play on the NES.

The zones you must conquer are all varied and different, and give the game some personality. There is a tree zone, a mini zone, a space zone, a robot Mario zone, a Halloween themed zone, and a zone where each level takes place inside a giant turtle. I wouldn't say these zones are as memorable as the ones in Mario 3, but I can appreciate the effort the game puts forth to make things different.

The whole game is like a poor man's Mario 3 or Mario World. The gameplay is very similar, but everything is a bit easy and over simplified - making it not nearly as fun as those two games. It's still fun, but not in an iconic, all-time classic kind of way. You can beat this whole thing in an hour or two with ease. I didn't count all my character deaths, but I swear I didn't die more than one or two times my entire way through this. One ups are plentiful, so if you are coming into this as a seasoned Mario vet, be prepared to beat this on your first attempt.


This is a good looking Game Boy game. Take Mario 3 or Mario World and drain the color out of them, and this is what you get. It's probably one of the better looking Game Boy games out there. I'm not sure I'm ever going to be completely wowed by the graphics of a Game Boy title, but at the same time I have to say that this does not look bad at all. As far as Game Boy games go, this is probably as good as it gets.


This may be the most forgettable Mario soundtrack I have ever heard. Much of the iconic retro Mario music is missing, and the original tunes for this game are nothing to write home about. Just like with the graphics, I won't say it sounds bad, but when I think back on the game in 10 years I am certainly going to remember nothing of its music. 


I am very glad I played this game. My entire review might come across as a bit negative, but I still had a fun time playing this. Can it hang with the classic NES Mario games? I mean, it can hang with them, sure. But exceed them? Not a chance.

This is a good Mario game for beginners, or people who do not like much of a challenge. Veterans will cruise through this game with no problems whatsoever. It is a good, fun, and fast paced Mario game. I'm sure I would have absolutely loved this back when I was 10 years old. If only I had a Game Boy growing up.

Playing it now at the ripe age of 40, having no nostalgic memories of the game, I can't really get too excited about it. It's a perfectly fine game, and a nice alternative to the other Mario titles that I've played a thousand times in my life. But after hearing all the hype, I was expecting something a bit more substantial than this.

I looked back at my review of the original Super Mario Land, and I gave it a B+. While this is objectively a better game, there is just something missing here that I am failing to get excited about. I wish I could put my finger on it. I'm probably doing this game a major disservice with my underwhelming final score. It is what it is.


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