Well, my show rotation has been set for nearly 2 weeks now, so it is about time to go through it and write up one of these little blog entries that no one reads. 16 shows are currently in my rotation, however I am very close to finishing up with a few of them.
I burned through the Returned fairly quickly, and now just have 1 episode of that to go. Also, I am down to the final episode of the first season of Friday Night Lights. Once I watch that, I will take a hiatus from the show for a while and insert something else into the rotation to take its place. Same thing with the Returned. I am also nearly done with Chuck season 3, so the same goes for that as well.
I always enjoy writing these blog entries. If anything, it makes me pay a little more attention to each show I watch, so I have something to write about. Often I just play on my phone half the time while watching things, and miss much of what is going on. With this, that doesn't happen.
Since it is almost finished, might as well begin with the Returned.
Season 1
Episode 8
"The Horde"
I started this show about 2 weeks ago, and I am now on its last episode. Usually I watch shows pretty slowly, so this is fast for me. Never mind the fact that this is only 8 episodes long.
I like it a lot. The language spoken on this show is entirely in French, so you have to read subtitles to follow along. I don't mind this at all. It helps me pay attention. The show is filled with great characters. Each one feels very fleshed out, complete backstory and all. The show is nice to look at, set in a small town with beautiful scenery. It has kind of an eerie feel at the same time.
What keeps me watching is the mystery of the show. People who have died have started returning to this village. A boy who was murdered 30 years ago. A girl who died in a bus accident 4 years ago. A man who killed himself 10 years ago.... and there are more. At first, everyone is rightfully confused - as they should be. Once they start to piece things together, things really get weird.
Some try to leave, only to find that they are driving in a circle and can not leave. The dam nearby the city seems to be breached, although no one can find anything wrong with it. The water level in the lake is going down, and hundreds of animal corpses are showing up in the water. Also, a church steeple has begun to rise from the depths of the lake.
All these things seem to somehow be connected, but as of yet - we don't know what is going on. I love it. I'm sad that this is the last episode already. It took them 3 years to release a second season over in France, so hopefully it doesn't take them that long to bring season 2 to Netflix. I want more!
*watches episode*
It was a very good episode. Very fitting for the season 1 finale.
At first I wasn't sure I liked the direction things were going. A new group of hostile Returned approach the village and demand that all the other Returned, like Camille and Victor, be turned over to them. There is a big standoff and confrontation. It took me a while, but I started to get into it.
The episode doesn't answer a whole lot of questions. In fact, it raises many more than it answers. Who are these new Returned? What are they going to do? Why do they want the others? Also, at the end of the episode the dam bursts and buries half the city in water. History has repeated itself.
I can't wait for season 2. I am sure I will race through it just as quickly as I raced through this season. I can't wait!
Season 1
Episode 22
It has taken me quite a while to make it through this first season. Not because I don't like the show. Far from it actually. It has strong characters, solid acting, and a quite a few tear jerker moments. I can't put my finger on exactly what is causing me to watch it so slowly. The season is only 22 episodes. Why on Earth has it taken me a year to get through it?
I don't know, but there have been a few occasions where I have gone on long hiatuses from the show. Months have passed between episode viewings several times since I have started this. Regardless, I really do like the show. I enjoy the characters, and I am very invested to see where this is going to go next.
Championship game time. It seems anti climactic that the Panthers would win the championship right off the bat in season 1, but we shall see what happens.
*watches episode*
The Panthers did win the championship after all. I thought for sure they were going to lose, which would make the coach's departure even that much more heart breaking since you know he'd want to come back for another season. His wife's pregnancy was another big emotional moment for the show.
Another very solid episode. This show grows on me the more and more I watch it. Over the last few weeks I've really gotten invested in the show and its characters. Now I am finished with the first season, so I will probably take a break for a while. But you can be rest assured that this is a show I will come back to very quickly.
Season 2
Episode 16
"Bewitched, Bothered. and Bewildered"
I've always heard such great things about this show, yet I really haven't developed into a huge fan. Sure - some of the characters are fun. The show does have its strong moments and has had a share of stand out episodes.
But these episodes are few and far between for me. I want to love it. I want to get hooked. But... it's just not quite good enough. The story arc is not interesting enough for me. I have considered giving up and dropping it from my rotation for a while now. I'll ride this out till the end of the season and then see where I want to go from there.
*watches episode*
This is another one of those every once in a great while really good episodes. In this episode, Xander and Cordelia break up. To win her back, Xander asks a witch in the class to help brew a love potion. The potion backfires, causing every girl except Cordelia to fall in love with him. While this sound good at first, it quickly causes problems including a lot of fighting over him. Buffy gets turned into a rat when she scraps with the witch over Xander.
With the help of Giles, he finds a way to reverse the spell and restore Buffy.
I had fun watching. It was nice to get a break from all the vampire stuff for a little bit. I find the actual vampire slaying to be the least interesting part of the show, actually. This was a very character driven episode, and I enjoyed it. More episodes like this please.
Season 9
Episode 27
"Episode 27"
I recall not liking this season of Big Brother when it originally aired, but I am actually thoroughly enjoying this upon rewatch. OK, maybe the couples twist was unfair. But it was still entertaining. And everything that has happened since the game became individual has been fun too. I like a lot of the characters. Even Matt and Natalie who I hated last time, I have come to like.
The last episode left off with an endurance challenge, so I am eager to see who wins HoH here. I know Adam, Ryan, and Sheila are the final three, so I am guessing one of them wins here, unless one of Sharon or Natalie wins and uses the HoH to take the other one out.
*watches episode*
I had fun, as I usually do while watching the show. The episode began with the aforementioned endurance comp. Natalie and Sheila were the last 2 remaining and Natalie (after annoying the crap out of everyone with her loud obnoxious voice and Jesus talk) finally dropped and let Sheila win.
Everyone in the house wants Natalie out, but she doesn't even know it. Bad move on her part. With so much dependent on the Veto, Sheila nominated Adam and Sharon, hoping to keep Natalie unaware that she was in trouble. I don't know who goes home next, but I am betting that anyone but Natalie wins that Veto and uses it, and she goes home. Or if she does win it, Sharon will go home. All I know is that neither of those 2 make the final 3.
Great season so far. I under rated it vastly in my mind coming in. I have had nothing but fun watching it, and I can't wait to see the rest play out.

Season 3
Episode 15
"Piper Maru"
Anyone who has been following this blog knows how I feel about the X-Files. Yet every single time I feel I need to justify my position on the show.
I loved the show as a teenager. It was spooky, mysterious, and I really got wrapped up in all the alien conspiracy stories. Plus I loved Mulder and Scully as well. As an adult, I find that the show hasn't aged well. A lot of the episodes are very slow and boring. There are so many conspiracies, alien sightings and convoluted plot lines that I've given up trying to keep track of them all.
I'm not a big fan. You can tell by how slowly I have been watching this. I think I started 3 years and 2 apartments ago. Yet I am still just on season 3. But I keep watching. I haven't given up yet. Here's to hoping that I hit on a string of good episodes that get me reinvested in the show once more.
Actually, looking at the description, I think that this is one I saw as a kid and enjoyed, so maybe I will enjoy it now too.
*watches episode*
In this episode, a French diving team encounters a downed World War 2 vessel and brings an evil entity back that can jump from person to person and kill with some kind of weird radiation burst. A bunch of other plot lines from past episodes are intertwined with this one, including the murder of Scully's sister, as well as... uh some guy who shot Mulder's dad. I know we are supposed to remember all of this stuff, but I didn't.
I really wanted to like the episode. I don't know why, but this show just bores me to death. Every time I watch it I get sidetracked by playing a game or checking the internet. Something. It took me 3 hours to watch a 44 minute episode because it couldn't keep my attention. I am beginning to think that the X-Files just isn't for me. I will finish the season, but after that I am taking a LONG hiatus from this show. And I may never come back.
Season 31
Episode 9
"Witches Coven"
I totally think I just accidentally spoiled the episode while looking for this pic to post ^
If it is Wentworth going home, then yes I spoiled the episode for myself. Good going! If it is not, then cool. I should be in for a surprise.
Anyway, I have had a good time with this season. The last episode saw one of my favorite old timers, Savage, go home way before his time. There have been a lot of big moments on this season already, and I like almost everyone in the cast. So I am super stoked to watch. If it is Wentworth, then oh well. She is one of my least favorite people in the game anyway and she robbed Savage God of his second chance, so I won't miss her.
*watches episode*
Well then. It was not Kelly Wentworth. It was Kelly Wigglesworth. I'm not too pleased with this vote. I like Kelly a lot, and she was one of my favorites way back on Survivor Borneo. They didn't really show much of her this season so it seemed kinda anti climactic. It felt like we got to know her much better on her original season, and she wasn't done much justice this time around.
I mean, as far as game moves go - it was a big one. The blindsides keep on coming. That part of the game is entertaining to watch. I think Stephen could possibly be in the driver's seat right now, especially with his advantage. He has the numbers, his tight ally Jeremy has two idols. There are so many ways this could go. But with the whole tone of the game changing from week to week, I am not even going to bother making any predictions.
Season 4
Episode 14
"Journey's End"
This is another show, like Buffy, that everyone around me seems to like. I have tried and tried and tried to get into it, but I just can't. It's a little too goofy. Too many episodes I just get it in my head "this is stupid" and I start playing games on my phone while the show plays in the background.
There have been some stand out episodes - again, just like Buffy. But these are pretty few and far between. I don't know. I'll keep watching for now but it has crossed my mind on more than one occasion to drop this from my rotation completely. This is the second part of a two parter, and I did not like the first episode at all. The Daleks irritate the piss out of me and I just can not take them seriously. I highly doubt I am going to like this episode.
*watches episode*
It was what I thought it would be. I didn't like it much at all. The episode did do a few things right. It was like an all star event of Dr. Who characters. Rose, Donna, Martha, the Torchwood people, even the little robot dog from the old Dr Who all make appearances.
Still though, I didn't really care for the story of the episode. More nonsense that doesn't make any sense, and the day gets saved in the end. They even teased us with the cliffhanger of the last episode that the Doctor was going to change forms, but then that didn't happen either.
God, I just wish I could like this show like everyone else. I don't know what they see in it. This episode was dumb and if this is the best it has to offer, then I don't know what to say.
Season 3
Episode 17
"Chuck Versus the Living Dead"
I enjoy this show much more than Buffy and Dr. Who, but it still not something that I consider great. I want to love it, but it falls short for me more often than not. There are good things about it. Good characters, fun plot lines, a cute romance story arc, lots of awesome nerd icon cameos.
I just don't think the story is that great. I am not a big spy or espionage plot line person. I get bored often with things like that. And that is the whole focus of the show. I will likely stick with it, since when I finish this season there will only be 2 seasons left (and 1 of them is super short). I am invested in the characters and I do want to see where this show is going to go. But I am in no rush to get there.
*watches episode*
Another OK episode. This show never really excites me too much, so this was a pretty par for the course episode. The episode seemed like a bit of a table setter for things to come. A lot of stuff happened, but none of it really got settled. I know there are only 2 more episodes left this season, so hopefully its wrapped up with a few really great episodes.
But please be better than this one. I thought it was just all right and not special.
Season 1
Episode 4
"Murphy's Law"
This show has been a solid addition to my rotation. I haven't gotten too far into it yet, obviously as I am only on episode 4. But that is mainly because I was watching the Returned in my free time. Now that that is out of the way, I will probably become more invested in this.
It's been at least 4 or 5 days since I have watched an episode, so I really don't remember what's happening. Hopefully it all comes back quick.
*watches episode*
This was good! I like this show much more than a lot of things in my rotation. So much going on here. Good characters, good suspense, good sci fi. My only complaint is the whole teeny bopper feel to the show. The romances and all that seem a little Twilight-esque to me. But I still really like the show.
One major thing that irritated me in the episode, however, was how Clarke kept saving that jerk kid who is horrible to everyone. Why keep saving him when you know he is going to continue to be a problem and try to kill people and make everyone's lives miserable? Sometimes taking the moral high ground can be a detriment, and I hope this is something she learns soon, or she is really going to irritate me.
Season 7
Episode 3
"A Real Snow Job"
I am not super gung ho about this show. At all. But I have it on my computer and I am bound and determined to power through it. Why do I watch it if I am not a huge fan? I used to love the show and I watched it religiously as a kid.
I've made the same comment on previous entries, but I will say it again - it is like I feel that I owe it to my inner child to finish up this show once and for all. I loved it so much as a kid. I don't know what happened back then, but for whatever reason I stopped watching it (likely had to be at school, or was commuting or something) and it made me sad. It will bring a sense of closure to me when I finish this show - whether I like it or not!
*watches episode*
It is what I expected. I don't even come in to the episodes expecting to like them anymore. I am going to make a very bold and unexpected move right now. I never, EVER quit on a show once I've started it. But I am going to. Right now. Life is too short to waste it on shit I don't enjoy.
If I just go ahead and delete this off my computer, I will be rid of it forever. I still have 50 some episodes left.
OK, I just deleted it. No more Ninja Turtles for me! I know I wanted to finish this show to provide closure to the TMNT era I went through as a kid, but I'm totally okay with quitting on it. It is pretty terrible.
Season 1
Episode 5
"Drip, Drip"
This show has been a rock solid entry into my rotation. It's about a man who is released from prison due to DNA evidence casting a shadow of doubt over his guilt after being on death row for 20 years. There are still questions revolving around his guilt. Some still think he did it. Others don't. That raises the question - if he didn't do it, who did? Is it someone he knows? Is he covering for someone? Did he actually do it after all?
And we still don't have the slightest idea of any of that yet. Mainly the show has focused on his reintegration into the human race after being locked away in a small room for 20 years. All the slightest things he once took for granted - being outside, looking out a window, interacting with people, etc - now seem overwhelming to him. To top it off, he has been released into a small community where people all know each other and some are still convinced of his guilt. Something bad is going to happen, and soon. I can feel it.
*watches episode*
I am impressed yet again by this show as it delivers another quality episode. In this one, Daniel catches a ride as a hitch hiker with some creepy redneck guy who takes him on a surreal goat herding escapade. I kept thinking the guy knew who he was and was going to do something mean, but it didn't end up that way. The man pays Daniel for his help. The situation was so weird, Daniel has to ask the man if he is real. The man laughs and drives away.
The rest of the episode deals with Daniel's desire to be baptized. The end of the episode concludes with he and his brother (step brother? half brother?) getting into a fight that Daniel wins with a choke hold. And then the episode ended. I really wanted to continue watching, but I can't. I must continue on this one episode per show pace.
But I liked it a lot. This is developing into one of my favorite shows. Good acting, good slow build on the drama. There is something about it that slightly reminds me of Breaking Bad, although the shows couldn't be any more different.
Season 3
Episode 12
Well, now that TMNT has been summarily booted from the rotation, the Clone Wars stands as my only cartoon. I'm not a huge fan of this show. I have to really be feeling it and in a Star Wars kind of mood to enjoy the show. I'm actually in one of those moods right now. I almost never want to watch this show, but for some odd reason I am excited for it. Let's hope it will not disappoint.
*watches episode*
Wow. What can I say, this was one of the better episodes of the show I have seen to date. It may in fact be my favorite episode from the entire series so far. The episode focuses solely on Ventress. She has been betrayed by Count Dooku. Injured and left for dead, she returns to her home planet of Dathomir to rejoin her fellow Nightsisters. I am familiar with these characters from having read The Courtship of Princess Leia in the past, so it was cool to see this world and these characters brought to life.
Ventress makes it her goal to take revenge upon Dooku. She launches an attack with a few of the Nightsisters, but it fails. They return to the planet and devise a plan to lure Dooku to it, where they will then ambush him.
The episode then ends.
Like I said, it was really really good. It was nice to see some backstory on a character that we don't know much about. I was kind of fascinated by Ventress and her history, actually. Visually, the show is just stunning. I don't give it enough credit for that. The space battle in the beginning was epic. The locales like Dathomir and Dooku's planet are jaw dropping. Couple the fun story, the great visual style and effects, plus the nice fight scenes in this episode all together and it just flat out works.
This went from a show that I didn't care much about, to something I am excited to watch in just one episode. It doesn't hurt that I am really into Star Wars right now also. This was great.
Season 1
Episode 5
This show has been a rock solid addition to my rotation since I started it 2 weeks ago. It is not my favorite show in the universe, but it certainly beats the likes of Chuck, Dr Who, and Buffy. There is a solid cast of characters. Fast moving action. Fun super powers. But what keeps me interested is the "Lost" like mystery surrounding all of the characters. Everyone's connected, everyone seems to be moving toward the same common goal, even if not everyone knows what that goal is. I like it a lot.
*watches episode*
Yeah, another really good show. 5 episodes in, and things are still kind of in "setup mode" for now. I am kind of anxious for things to really start moving, some questions to be answered. We hear a lot about Sylar, but we don't really know what or who he is yet. We know about the cheerleader's dad and how he is a bad guy who is kind of keeping tabs on all the super powered people. We know there is a nuclear war coming. We know a lot of things.
Time for the show, in my opinion, to get moving and start answering some questions. Like I said, it is still in setup mode. We know all the characters, we now know all the unanswered questions surrounding them. Everything is coming together now. They need to stop teasing us and start moving in a solid direction. That's really my only gripe so far. I really enjoy this show a lot and I am very happy I started watching it.
Season 1
Episode 5
"Walking Distance"
Unlike other shows, which I watch in chronological order, I have been jumping around from episode to episode while watching the Twilight Zone, trying to pick out the interesting sounding episodes before I watch the less interesting sounding ones. I watched season 2 of this show in its entirety before season 1, because season 1 didn't have the classic theme song for the show yet. I know it is silly but one of the reasons I began watching this show in the first place was for the song.
But now that I am done with season 2, I don't care as much about the song and have come back to season 1. This episode sounds good - about a man who is out for a walk and encounters a younger version of himself. Some of these old Twilight Zone episodes are crap, so here is to hoping this one is not.
*watches episode*
It was okay. It was pretty much what I expected. Man wanders into town where he grew up, finds it unchanged. Meets past self, tells him to enjoy these moments while he can. Man comes back to the present day and reflects on old times. It wasn't boring, but it wasn't particularly exciting either. I guess it was good.
The Twilight Zone is another one of those shows that I could give or take. Some are good, some suck. Some are middle of the pack like this. Maybe from now on I should just skip around and watch the iconic episodes and skip the rest.
Season 1
Episode 4
"Say Cheese"
This show was added to my rotation two weeks ago, and I am enjoying it. I haven't gotten that far into the show yet, due to the fact that I am trying to finish up some other stuff first. But it has been consistently funny and a good change of pace from some of the other more serious shows I have been watching.
I'm still not quite "hooked" yet, but then again comedy really isn't my favorite genre.
*watches episode*
This episode was comprised mainly of flashbacks from family photo sessions taken over the years. Once more, the episode shows how off the wall and dysfunctional this family is. But in a good, funny kind of way. My favorite character is the grandma. Every time she does or says anything, it is always hilarious.
I am really liking the show so far. It has been pretty consistent. The gags and the laughs are pretty creative. I can only hope this show stays consistent and the writers don't run out of things to keep the show fresh. This series could very quickly go from hilarious to stupid if that happens.
Season 2
Episode 4
This show has an insane number of episodes, and at the rate I am watching them it will take me years to finish up. I do like the show however. I enjoy the cast. I enjoy how each episode is like a small scale horror/suspense flick. Every once in a while the show will throw some emotional moments at you as well to keep things interesting.
This isn't a top tier show in my rotation. And perhaps it never will be. I tend to watch shows faster that have a story that carries over from week to week. But this is a solid diversion every once in a while. There have been very few episodes that I have actively disliked or been bored with. I wish it had a little
something extra to keep me interested, but I am patient. I can wait. If that something extra never develops, then maybe at some point I will consider dropping this show from my rotation. But as of right now I like it.
*watches episode*
My problem with this show is that it kind of falls into a very predictable pattern from time to time. It seems like there has been a countless number of episodes where the team has been called in to catch someone, and 3/4 of the show is spent on the investigation. Then the unsub elevates his crime, gets careless, does something in public or out of the ordinary, and then gets caught. Rendering the first 3/4 of the episode entirely pointless. And this was yet another episode like that.
I still as a whole like this show - but I really could do with fewer episodes that follow this same pattern.
OK! I have completed one trip through my show rotation. Because it's early Sunday afternoon and I still have a few hours to spare, I am going to watch a couple shows that are not in my regular rotation. Just to keep my memory of them fresh for when I do resume watching them again.
Consider this like "bonus features" on a DVD. I don't know how many of these I will do, but I am aiming to watch about 3 or 4 shows. I have all day to kill.
Season 1
Episode 2
"It's All Her Fault"
I tested this show out by watching the pilot episode 2 weeks ago. While I really liked the show, I figured I would watch some other stuff and get those shows out of the way first. I knew that if I started watching this, I would burn through the first season in no time, and then have to wait another year for season 2 to appear on Netflix. By which point I will have forgotten everything that went down in season 1.
I'm gonna watch the second episode. Who knows when I will watch the third. I can take my time with this series. I thought the pilot was fantastic, so I am ready to watch a little more.
*watches episode*
I wasn't as enamored by this episode as I was by the pilot. There is a lot to keep track of, and I was confused at a few points during the episode. I like how they flash to the future and back, but it does make things a little confusing.
I have a feeling though that the more I watch, the more it will all start to make sense. It is one big puzzle, and all we get each episode are a few small pieces that don't necessarily fit together. But they will, in time. I am sure of that.
I must say I do like the cast of this show. All the characters (except for the two girls, who I always forget about) seem pretty well fleshed out and relatable to the average viewer. Viola Davis is amazing, and totally worthy of the Emmy she won for this show.
I can't wait till a few more shows get bumped out of my rotation so I can really dive into this show. But for now, I will enjoy the slow pace at which I am watching it.
Season 2
Episode 3
"What is Dead May Never Die"
You may be surprised to see this here, as this show has never been a part of my rotation. If you have been following my blog at all (and you probably haven't) you will have noticed that I decided to read all the GoT books in order to get ready for Winds of Winter next year. In addition to reading the books, I am following along by watching the show as well. While season 1 followed the events of the book pretty closely, I am noticing that season 2 is MUCH different from the books. I don't know if I like it or not.
I know the show and the books eventually become a completely separate entity altogether, but I didn't think it happened so soon. I am still trying to do my best to enjoy the show, however. So fingers are crossed that this episode doesn't irritate me too much for not being true to the source material.
*watches episode*
Gawd! They've changed so much from the book I can hardly stand it. I mean, it is still a good show. But so many things are different. Not changed for the better. Just changed for no apparent reason at all. One of the best parts of A Clash of Kings was Arya's journey north - encountering all the sacked villages and dead bodies. The eventual battle with Clegane's raiders.
Everything here is either passed over or extremely fast forwarded. Or changed entirely. I'm still trying to see it as a good show. I am sure it is. I've seen this season in the past, but not with the book so fresh on my mind. It just bugs the crap out of me how it is so different.
That said, I will continue on with the show. I will continue on with the books. I always thought the show was great but now I am starting to look at it from a different perspective. One thing is certain - it doesn't hold a candle to the books. This viewing is making that painfully obvious.
Season 1
Episode 2
"Fly Me Away"
All right, one more show before I call it a night. Wentworth is another show I started 2 weeks ago, but it missed the cut of making my rotation. It's not that I didn't like it - in fact I thought it was awesome. I am chomping at the bit to get back to it. But I figured I was better off taking care of some other stuff first and then I would come back to it later.
I'm glad I am watching this now, because it probably won't rejoin my rotation full time for a month or 2 and by then I might have forgotten everything that had happened in the first episode. So its good to keep this fresh in my memory.
*watches episode*
I just have to say - I think it is weird that a little child is given free run of this women's prison full of violent offenders. It seems wrong. Is that really allowed in Australia?
Anyway, it was another really good episode for me. Lots of character development, personal drama, and big emotional moments. This is what good TV is all about for me. The show also has a lot of good plot points too. It is very well done. With so many good plot points out there, plus the potential for even more good stories in the future - with the dynamic of the prison and the relationships of all the inmates - I am very interested to see where this show is going to go.
It has been really good the first two episodes. I hope it can keep it up.
Another turn through my rotation has been completed, plus a little extra for added measure. It is break time for Friday Night Lights. I want to see more of the Returned, but I have to wait till the next season comes toNetflix. Season 3 of Chuck is almost over, plus I have booted the Ninja Turtles from my rotation.
So there will be several spaces in my rotation which need to be filled. It's already been determined that I would add It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia back to my rotation. I was going to add Bloodline, but I think I will hold off on that and put Wentworth in since I like it so much.
I will throw from Dusk Till Dawn into my rotation too, to make it 15 shows. When I finish up this season of Chuck, my rotation will look something like this:
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Criminal Minds
Clone Wars
Twilight Zone
Dr who
Big Brother 9
Survivor 31
The 100
Raising Hope
From Dusk Till Dawn
Mad Men and How I Met Your Mother will be reinserted back into the rotation, probably once I wrap up the current seasons of X-Files and Buffy. When I wrap up the final few episodes of Dr Who, Torchwood will go back in. Plus I am on the lookout for the new seasons of Bates Motel and the Following to be added to Netflix. I have to figure out how Bloodline and How to Get Away With Murder will fit in too.
I will never want when it comes to having TV shows to watch.