Sunday, November 8, 2015

Season 1, Episode 1, Day 4

All right, Sunday is upon us. The last day of my weekend. I am again busy today but I shall see how many shows I can squeeze in before the day lets out. I still have a ton of shows left to watch, so this kinda stinks that there will be some left out, but such is life.

We begin with:

Episode 1
"The Red Serpent"

I've always thought that this show could potentially be something I like. I enjoy Gladiator, as well as Game of Thrones type stuff. I know that the show has been critically well received. I only worry that it may bore me a little bit, which is probably the reason I never bothered to watch it. History and I are not good bed fellows. I have a feeling I won't like this one that much, but I am going to go out on a limb and watch it anyway. We'll see if it can wow me and possibly join my show rotation.

*watches episode*

I am glad I stuck with it through the whole episode. I wasn't a big fan of how it started. I thought the acting was bad and the show was a little too cheesy. Some of the dialogue bored me, and I didn't particularly care for any of the characters. I reached for my phone to start playing games while the episode kept playing. That's never a good sign.

Fortunately, action started happening and the show suddenly got a lot better. Spartacus does a lot of things right visually as far as fight scenes. A lot of the scenery as well as the set pieces are pretty cool too. The story itself all of a sudden amps up to an intense level. Whereas the first half of the show bored me to death, the second half had me riveted. It was really good.

Unfortunately it is facing stiff competition if it wants to earn a spot in my rotation. As of right now, it is an uphill battle for this show.

Episode 1

How long has this show been out now? I remember this being on TV at the same time as Lost. I've always wanted to watch this show, since I've heard it is good (well, at least the first two seasons) but for whatever reason kept putting it off. No more putting it off!

Time to see what all the fuss is about.

*watches episode*

Not surprisingly, I liked it a lot. I have been hearing about Heroes for the longest time. I knew it would be something right up my alley, and it was. For those who have never seen it, it is about a bunch of people around the world who start displaying superhero like abilities. The episode mainly deals with people discovering and coping with these abilities. They all kinda start to converge in New York City.

I'm really interested to see where the show is going to go. It was hinted at the beginning that these people will somehow save the world. But we don't even know that the world is in trouble yet. There is a lot of journey still to go. A lot of questions that haven't even been asked yet. I can foresee this being a binge worthy show.

Episode 1

I don't know much of what this is about, but my wife and her family all like this show. I am giving it a try in the hopes it will be good. It looks Western like, and that is not one of my favorite genres. We will see how I feel. I remain cautiously optimistic.

*watches episode*

Sheriff Longmire investigates a fatal shooting. The victim is discovered to have been a father looking for his daughter who he was trying to rescue from a life of prostitution. She had been prostituted out of an RV on an Indian Reservation. There is a Western feel to it, but it is set in present times.

It definitely wasn't bad but I wasn't necessarily a huge fan of this show. It is something I would consider watching again in the future, however. It just isn't quite good enough to crack my rotation with all of the great shows I have been watching. It is a little slow. It was interesting, though. Like I said, I'd give it a shot in the future once I have to  start looking for new shows to watch again.

On a side note, it is nice to see Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica back on the TV again.

Episode 1

From what I have heard, this is a show similar to Resurrection. A bunch of people long appeared to be dead start appearing at their families doorsteps. At first I didn't want to watch it, because it sounded a little too similar to Resurrection. But I stopped watching that show after one season. It was a good premise but I didn't like the way the show was going.

Recently I read an article in good ole Entertainment Weekly about why the Returned was such a great show and we should all be watching. I was intrigued. Maybe this could be the show that Resurrection wasn't.

And now here I am watching it. I think the article mentioned it was a French show with English subtitles. I don't mind having to read subtitles, so bring it on.

*watches episode*

As expected, I liked this a lot. I didn't mind the subtitles at all. If anything, I liked that it is in another language, and that it is set in such a beautiful land so dissimilar to where I come from. It all gives the show a very authentic, intense, but alien feel to it. The atmosphere of the show is very cool.

There were a few characters that I didn't know what was going on with them, but I saw enough to be intrigued. I am sure their situations will be explained in the upcoming episodes.

The first season is only 8 episodes long, so that is a thing it has working in its favor to crack my rotation. I can likely go through this show pretty quickly, and then when I am done with it, quickly replace it with something else that I want to see.

Well, that is it for the weekend. From when I got off of work Thursday and throughout the whole weekend I have been watching pilot episodes of shows on Netflix that I am interested in. 5 or 6 of these shows will be added to my regular show rotation. Many will be left out. Since there were so many shows I liked, this is going to be a very tough decision. I'll post the results tomorrow.

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