Thursday, November 5, 2015

Season 1, Episode 1, Day 1

Almost everything I have been watching on Netflix lately has lost its luster for me. I haven't been able to find anything seriously good for a while now, so I have set out to add some fun new shows to my rotation. My experiment this weekend is to watch at least 2 pilot episodes per day of a show I have never seen before. I'll pick out my 5 favorite shows based on that first episode and add them to my regular rotation.

Hopefully I can find some good things. Because I am not enthusiastic about anything I've been watching lately. These shows include the X-Files, Buffy, Criminal Minds, Chuck, Friday Night Lights, Mad Men, The Clone Wars, Doctor Who.... meh all around. Nothing against these shows but I am kinda getting sick of them. I like epic sweeping story arcs that keep me binge watching, and none of these have been delivering for me. Plus I am at a convenient stopping point in a lot of these shows, so I can always come back to them later. 

I'll watch some shows that people keep recommending to me (yeah, fine! I'll finally sit down and watch Arrow already) plus some shows that I haven't heard much about, but I think look interesting. I have no doubt I am going to find some awesome shows to watch.

Let's begin.

Episode 1
"You Can't Miss the Bear"

Let's start with something lighthearted. Or at least, I think this show is supposed to be lighthearted. I have read the premise of this and I think it sounds interesting. I am actually surprised I haven't given it a go yet. It has a big following so I think it will probably be a lot of fun. But will it be good enough for me?

*watches episode*

It was pretty good, as I expected. It is very character based, so I like that. Lot of solid, entertaining characters on the show. In particular, the kids are pretty funny. Everyone has something interesting about them. I see a lot of potential here. Not only as a comedy but as a drama too. There are so many ways this show could go. 

Is it good enough to become a permanent member of my rotation? Maybe. That's all I can say for now. The characters and the humor of the show make me want to come back for more, but this is 8 freaking seasons long. I don't know how long the novelty of this show will last before it begins to wear off.

Next show!

Episode 1

A lot of people have been telling me to watch this show for a while now. I like superhero stuff, so you'd think it would be right up my alley. But at the same time, the people that fawn over this show also are the same people that fawn over things like Dr Who and Supernatural, neither of I particularly care for. So my expectations are not high.

*watches episode*

This was much, much better than I had anticipated. I think I expected a boring, Daredevil like type of show. But this is a lot better than Daredevil. I never knew a single thing about the Green Arrow coming in, so the whole episode was very interesting to me. I'm digging the origin story so far. The twist at the end of the episode where we find out that it was mom who tried to kidnap him made me want to keep watching. I'm sure the boat sinking wasn't just a random accident either.

Good cast, good characters, catchy story. I totally expected to find this mediocre, but I liked it a lot. It definitely has a chance to crack my rotation.

But let's move on to another show.

Episode 1

I have heard good things about this show, but I still don't have any idea what it is actually about. I've been informed that it is something I would like. I know it is critically acclaimed, plus the title of the show intrigues me. I think I will like this.

*watches episode*

Wow, so we are 3 for 3 tonight. Everything I have watched, I have enjoyed a lot. This one maybe the best of all. I can see why so many people like this show. It definitely lives up to the hype. 

I enjoyed how the show set everything up. You've got the kids in the beginning who are looking to cover up a murder. Then it flashes back to them in law school. I had gotten the impression that the beginning was a fake out and it was just a class assignment, like a simulated murder scene. But then we find out at the end that this is not the case. 

There is just so much to like here. Strong characters, a fast moving story line with enough question marks dotted along all over the place to make you keep watching. I'm excited to see where this show is going to go. I still have a lot of stuff to watch over the weekend, but I can't see anything bumping this out of my new rotation. 

That's it for now. I am sure I'll watch more than three shows tomorrow.

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