Friday, November 6, 2015

Season 1, Episode 1, Day 2

Let's see how many shows I can watch today. I tried to get up early so I could get a head start on this. But I have kinda been lazy around the house today. Its late afternoon and I haven't watched a single show yet. So I may not get through as many shows as I had hoped.

Let's just dive right in.

Episode 1
Broken Bow: Parts 1 & 2

Despite being a huge Star Trek fan, for some reason I have never gotten around to watching Enterprise. I've heard mixed reviews about it. I have recently started to become obsessed with Trek again, so no better time than now to see what this show is all about.

The first episode is a 2-parter combined into one long episode. Since it counts as one episode on Netflix, I will watch the whole thing. 

*watches episode*

To my surprise, I really enjoyed it. I was kind of under the impression that the show sucked, hence me being a big Trek fan and never watching it. But I liked it a ton.

It is fascinating to me to see the early stages of the Federation. This show takes place about 90 years after first contact between Vulcans and humanity. Warp drive is improving, and the first Enterprise is created as a flagship for the brand new Starfleet. This episode deals mainly with the crew's first interaction with a Klingon, who is injured and must be returned to his home planet. The Klingon is taken off of the ship by hostile aliens, and a big chase/rescue mission begins. There is a lot of action here, and all of it was very well done. It had my attention for sure.

The episode also dealt with how humans and Vulcans felt about one another. There was a little tension between the two races, with the Vulcans feeling that humans were primitive. The humans were feeling that the Vulcans talked down to them. It's an interesting dynamic of the show, watching how they worked together in the beginning. I like T'Pol and am curious to follow her integration aboard the ship.

I'm super stoked to see where this show is going to go. I love Star Trek, so I definitely will want to keep up with this one. My only complaint was the fact that I couldn't distinguish Reed from Tucker. Oh yeah, and the opening theme song. It is HORRENDOUS and needs to go.

Episode 1

This show doesn't seem to have an overly huge following, but what I have heard about this show makes me believe that I will like it. The description on Netflix certainly sounds like something right up my alley. I love post apocalyptic stuff.

*watches episode*

Who would have thought I would be 5 for 5 so far with really entertaining shows? I liked this one a lot. Probably more than Enterprise and Arrow. It's about 100 teen prisoners sent down to Earth, which had been rendered inhospitable 97 years ago due to nuclear apocalypse. Not everything is as it seems, however. I love sci fi, so the whole premise is intriguing to me. There is a lot of room here for big twists and shocking moments. There is a diverse cast, each with a back story. Shout out to Desmond from Lost and Gaeta from BSG being on the show.

There are interesting and entertaining things happening all over the place. I was constantly entertained from beginning to end. I want more.

Episode 1
"No Place Like Home"

Here is another show that has been recommended to me as something I would like. I hear that there are similarities to Orange is the New Black, and I am a big fan of that show. Other than that, I don't know anything about the plot of this. Here's hoping I can go 6 for 6.

*watches episode*

6 for 6 indeed. I liked this a lot. This was another show that I just wanted to keep watching after I finished with the first episode. It is a female prison drama, and there are some similarities to Orange is the New Black. But the show is actually a lot different. This is much more darker and serious. It doesn't have nearly as much comedy in it.

The main action is shown through the eyes of a woman who arrives at the prison. She is very meek and seems intimidated by all that is happening to her. Through flashbacks we find out that she was in an abusive relationship and had attempted to kill her husband. She gets caught up in prison politics. There is a war between two "sides" in the prison, and she is in the middle of it. 

It was a good episode, and I can see great things coming from this show. I had only intended to add 5 new shows to my rotation, and now I find myself with 6 shows that I like so far. And I still have several more to watch. This is going to be a tough choice isn't it?

Episode 1

I really like the movie so I was a little excited when I heard they were making a TV show based on its premise. The movie was super gory and had nakedness and stuff, so I'm interested to see if they tone it down for television. I hope not. I have friends who say this is good, so 7 for 7 is not completely out of the question. Let's do this!

*watches episode*

This was good, but I wasn't as excited by it as I was for the previous shows I had watched tonight and the night before. From what I have seen based on this first episode, the show is going to be a re-telling of the movie, just taking its time more, and going into things in greater detail. This episode was about the hostage situation/shoot out at the liquor store that took place early in the movie. Everyone's point of view is shown. There are even flashbacks into the personal lives of some of the side characters. I always liked the Geckos, and the 2 guys they casted to play them are doing a fine job, in my humble opinion.

This is going to be good, I think. And at only 10 episodes long, I could breeze through it quickly if I were to add it to my rotation. We shall have to see....

I am done for today. I had the entire day off, so I was hoping to watch more than just 4 shows. But it is what it is. I'll be lucky to do 3 tomorrow. 

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