Sunday, January 18, 2015

2014 Movie Ranking #20 - #11

Almost done! 20 movies will now become ten.

The Pact

Considering I had never heard of this before, I expected it to be terrible. But it actually turned out to be one of the better scary movies that I watched in 2014. Since I watched this so early in the year, specific plot details are fuzzy for me. But this was a really solid scary movie that never came close to being too cheesy or unbelievable. There are supernatural elements to the movie like in the Ring or the Sixth Sense. But there is also a very human element to it to, as you will see at the end of the movie when the big bombshell is dropped. The plot twist is very clever, and the whole movie had me guessing and completely unsure of what was going to happen next. Horror movies don't often engage your brain as well as this one did. So high marks for that.


Intricate plots and detailed character development can make a movie great. But sometimes I like to put those things aside and just see people getting hurt. If you are into the occasional gruesome violent torture movie you should love this. It's very similar to something like Saw, but it is different.

A group of people wake up in a house with these bizarre machines attached to their necks. Apparently the human body produces some kind of secretion when it feels pain, and that secretion can be used as a miracle cure drug. Some mysterious villain has locked up these people with the intent that they must inflict pain on one another to produce a high level of this drug. When they are done, they can be free to leave. So of course this group of random strangers must torture and inflict bodily harm on one another until enough of this secretion is made where they can leave. What can go wrong? Suffice it to say, some people go overboard with the torture. Some die. People fight. It is not the deepest movie in the world but it is both unsettling and somehow at the same time a lot of fun. I liked it a lot.


This is one of the best and most clever serial killer movies ever. Someone is killing people based on the 7 deadly sins, and it is up to a retiring cop and a rookie transfer to solve the case. This is a very dark and brooding movie. It is violent and a little disturbing at times, but also brilliant in the way the crime scenes are set up, and how the clues all tie together or lead to the next scene. The characters are memorable, and the twist with the killer being Kevin Spacey (who was hidden from the advertisements and opening credits) is awesome. And of course the head in the box scene is one of the most iconic in serial killer movie history.

Back To The Future II

I always used to like this Back To The Future film the best out of all of them. Who doesn't like seeing the future and a preview of what things may be like for us? While the future isn't anything like as predicted, it is still a lot of fun and probably the best part of the movie. Plot wise, it is just as complicated as the original, and I do enjoy the story of the sports almanac, and Marty revisiting the dance again. The only thing I didn't like about this movie is that it is a little bit "dumber" than the first. The jokes aren't as funny, the story is not as coherent, and something just seems a little off in tone from the original. But it is still a great movie.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

To me this is without a doubt the best of the "old" Star Trek movies. The characters feel like old friends, and the plot is just good old unadulterated fun. This movie doesn't take itself too seriously - and its lighthearted feel along with the cohesiveness of the cast and the fish out of water humor that accompanies the crew visiting the past just makes this really enjoyable to watch. Even if you don't like Star Trek, you might like this movie. Which I can't say for any of the other films in the series.

Galaxy Quest

I had never seen this before 2014, and I was pleasantly surprised. I thought this would be a kids movie, but it was not. I love Star Trek, so I found it amusing that this film is kind of based upon a show that was very similar to Star Trek. Tim Allen was even in the role of the Shatner-esque character that the other cast members didn't like. 

Actual aliens who have seen the show "Galaxy Quest" come to Earth and recruit the cast members of the show thinking they are real heroes, to help them fight a ruthless villain. Hilarity ensues. Its not only an interesting movie because I love Star Trek and was intrigued by the theme, but it is genuinely funny as well and has a lot of laugh out loud moments. And it is not dumb humor like Men in Black or generic like the 5th Element either. I thought it was great.

The Terminator

I grew up watching this movie as a kid so it holds a special place in my heart. The Terminator is a legit scary villain - and I was really able to get into the movie when watching this. Headphones on, in the dark. This was awesome. The director did a really good job tapping the characters' raw emotion in this film. Sarah Connor is legit scared for her life, Kyle Reese is desperate to get anyone to believe him. And there is this looming sense of dread knowing that the Terminator is out there and will stop at nothing to kill them both.

Great movie, very intense. Definitely ahead of its time. For the longest time I liked its sequel better, but now I have changed my mind. Its not all explosions and chase scenes and gun battles. It feels more real and legit than that.

The Blair Witch Project

I had originally seen this quite a long time ago, and didn't really get what the fuss was about. I did decide to give it another shot, but this time I would go all in. Watch this in the dark, with headphones on. No distractions. I would be immersed.

And it worked. There are a lot of small audio clues that really add to the tension of the film, that you may otherwise have missed. The characters are believable, and the whole thing just feels authentic and really well done. My heart was racing along with theirs, and I was really able to get into the movie. Watching this the way I did was a great experience.

The Big Lebowski

I always used to get a big reaction when I would tell people that I had never seen the Big Lebowski before. "What? No way, you have got to see it!" It was kind of fun.

Unfortunately I can't say that to people anymore, as I have now seen it. Fortunately, it is every bit as good as people have made it out to be. Okay, maybe it is not like SO awesome as I have heard, but it is still very good and I can see why people love it. I was entertained from beginning to end. Not only was it funny but it's one of those movies that makes even the most ordinary things seem interesting. It must be the way the movie makes you look through the eyes of the characters. The characters here are fabulous, and each uniquely distinct and funny in a different way. 

The cast definitely makes the movie go - and everyone just clicks perfectly. When this ended, I wanted more.

The Human Centipede 2

I know you may be surprised to see this rank so highly, but I thought it was terrific. If you are squeamish at all, do not watch this movie. If you are like me and have been looking forward to the darkest, most disgusting gross out film of all time, you have come to the right place. Everything about this movie is just creepy and sick. As mentioned in earlier reviews, I look for movies that invoke a strong emotional response, and this one hit the jackpot. Although everything happening on screen is so vile, you just can't take your eyes away. If you like blood and guts and suffering, this may be the ultimate movie for you. Although I recognize it is probably not ever going to be considered a great movie, it is unique and definitely left a lasting impression on me. I was riveted.

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