Monday, January 4, 2016

2015 Movie Ranking: #100 to #86

All right! Time to pick up where we left off. Ranking all the movies I watched in 2015. #121 through #101 are in the books, and we resume here with the top 100. 



I tried to watch all the old Mad Max movies in preparation for Fury Road. The original movie I watched in 2014, so it won't appear here on this ranking. But I did enjoy that movie. It ranked in the upper third of my 2014 ranking, if I remember correctly.

The middle movies... eh, not so good. The Road Warrior already made its appearance on the list, and now it is Beyond Thunderdome's chance to make an appearance. I did like it better than the Road Warrior, obviously, as this is ranked higher than that movie. But the margin isn't really that wide.

I wanted to like these movies, but the tone just seemed a little too much for me. The costumes, the characters, the settings. It was too cheesy for me. I couldn't get into it at all. Once my mind starts wandering and the phone comes out - forget about it. Might as well check the movie off as a lost cause when that happens. And that is what happened here. But it took longer for this to happen with me than with the Road Warrior. And there were some points in this movie that were able to draw my attention from the phone. It seemed easier to follow and more audience friendly than Road Warrior.

Overall, though - I still wasn't a huge fan. Maybe some day I will watch these movies again and hide the cell phone while I watch them. I feel like the Mad Max movies require a certain amount of immersion to truly enjoy, and I never even got close to that level of immersion necessary.

Until I watched Fury Road. But that will appear later on this list. Much later.


After the awesomeness of the original Robocop, anything to come after it was only going to be a letdown. I have seen this movie a handful of times in the past, and I don't recall thinking "gee, this doesn't measure up to the original." In fact, I always liked it a lot.

I don't what my problem was this time around. I just couldn't get into it. Is it really not a good movie? Is it still a good movie like I remembered? Maybe I had my mind somewhere else, which happens a lot when watching movies - as you can probably already tell from this ranking. My mind wanders REALLY fast sometimes and then when I snap back to it, I find I have lost interest in whatever it was I was watching.

I don't know. All I know is that I couldn't get into it when watching it this year.


I'd been looking forward to seeing this movie for a really long time. I am not a huge Godzilla fan but I was one of the few who liked the 90's movie with Matthew Broderick. I figured if I could like that one - which everyone says sucked - then I certainly would enjoy this.

But I didn't. It changed the whole story of Godzilla that I was familiar with and made it into something that I didn't really care for. I mean, maybe this is the TRUE story of Godzilla (I won't pretend to know what is canon and what is not) but I did much prefer the Broderick version.

This one very, very nearly put me to sleep. 

On a side note, I know Bryan Cranston is a good actor and all, but I thought his performance here was terrible. I don't know if it was the story, the character, the dialogue, or what. Maybe I was just too used to him as Walter White. But yikes. He was cringe worthy at points in this film.


I've seen this movie twice in the past, and I usually really enjoy it. But for whatever reason I couldn't seem to get into it last year. My wife and I watched this as part of our epic Harry Potter re-watch which started two years ago and stalled out for a long ass time.

Maybe I just wasn't in a Harry Potter kind of mood. I suppose the fact that I fell asleep halfway through it didn't help either. You know, sometimes you just have to be in a certain mood to watch things, and if you aren't in that mood - it doesn't work and you lose interest. I wasn't really in the mood to watch this at the time, but my wife wanted to, so I sucked it up. Any other time, any other mood, and I may have enjoyed this more.


This is now the third time I have seen this movie and every time I watch it, its ranking seems to plummet on my list. When I first saw it the year it came out, it was a top ten movie. The next time I saw it, it dropped into the 50's. The third: well, here you go. It's dropped even lower in my ranking.

I recognize that it is a good movie. But this is a film that seems to lose its luster the more I watch it. It was all fun and new and creative the first time around. Visually, it is stunning. And that's one of the reasons I wanted to watch it to begin with, on our new massive HD TV. But the copy I got from the library skipped and I ended up downloading it and watching it on my small laptop.

That defeated the purpose of why I wanted to watch it in the first place. Knowing what was going to happen in the movie, it was only a matter of time before my cell phone came out and I started playing games. I think it was around the time Wall-E and EVE went up to the big ship. With the lack of dialogue in the film, I missed a lot. You have to actually have your eyes on the screen to enjoy this movie - and I did not. Therein lies the poor ranking.


I thought I knew what this movie was about coming into it, but wow, I was completely wrong. I thought this was going to be a spy/action movie. Instead it is just one giant, weird, sometimes awesome and sometimes awful acid trip.

I liked the movie in the beginning, but the more it went on and the more ridiculous it became, it started to lose me. I liked the concept of unlocking your full brain power, although it is something we have seen before with Limitless. But unlike Limitless, this takes things to a whole new level. Lucy gets supernatural-esque powers like the ability to control time and space. And to do other things I can't even begin to explain.

Visually, the movie is really stunning. The effects and the colors and all that kind of stuff I thought were great. Someone remind me to watch this the next time I am tripping out and I will be thoroughly entertained watching this. (Just kidding, I don't do that kind of stuff.)

As far as the story goes, it was lackluster. This movie could have been really good, but the places they went and the things they did here were really stupid to me. If the movie didn't look so good visually, and if ScarJo wasn't the main character this would probably be a lot lower on my list. I was mildly amused by it, but I wouldn't go any further than that.


I have seen this movie before and it is always one I never seem to be able to stay awake for. My wife and I watch this nearly every year around Halloween time. It is tradition. Guess what happened when we watched it this year? You guessed it: I fell asleep.

I do like the movie. I am not super gung-ho about it like everyone and their mom seems to be. It's good. But that is about the extent of me liking it right there - it's good. I'm sure I'll be watching it again next year. Hopefully I don't fall asleep. Hopefully there aren't a whole crap load of distractions happening as I am trying to watch this. 

It probably won't ever be my favorite movie, but I don't mind it. 


This is a weird, weird movie. But I kinda liked it.

I know that this has been out for ages but I didn't know anything about it coming in. I had heard it was trippy, so I figured hey it was a good movie for me. It started up, and immediately I became lost. There is a huge backstory here and they throw it at you right in the beginning of the movie. I was like "wait what just happened?" 

The whole movie is puppets. There are no human actors in sight. Visually the movie is really cool. The world they created here is quite impressive, especially considering this was made in the early 80's. Story wise, ehhhhh I wasn't really feeling it.

I think if I was a kid watching this I would have been amazed and blown away. Instead, it was just a little boring to me. I did like it more than I disliked it, and will probably watch it again in the future now that I know what to expect from it.


My wife really wanted me to watch this movie. It was Halloween time, and we couldn't settle on a movie to watch. She freaked out when I said I had never seen this, so I grudgingly agreed to watch it. It was one of those scenarios where we both wanted to watch other things so we agreed to compromise and watch a movie neither one of us really wanted to see. LOL.

I did like it more than I thought I would. It follows the Frankenstein story pretty well, while being funny at the same time. My only gripe is that I fell asleep at about the midway point of the movie (surprise surprise) and when I woke up it seemed like I had missed a few crucial points in the advancement of the plot. And because I had missed so much I started wishing for the movie to end so I could go do something else.

I'd watch it again though, because I did like what I saw at the beginning of the film. I'll just try not to fall asleep again next time.


Way back in the late 90's or early 2000's I went to go see this movie in the theater with my mom. Oh yeah, I was awesome. I liked the movie back then, so I was surprised to see that a lot of people out there thought it wasn't very good.

Watching it now in present day, I can see why. It started off okay. The house is really cool. I liked some of the characters. Story wise, it is nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before. Cliches abound everywhere you turn in this movie.

The movie does deliver a few genuine scares, but over all I didn't think the movie was that scary at all. With that giant creepy house, this movie could have been awesome. Instead it is just too much buildup with too little of a payoff. The ghosts or spirits or whatever they are at the end of the movie are laughable looking and totally kill the atmosphere of the film. I didn't like the ending much.

Plus I fell asleep at some point during this, and you all know how that instantly drops a movie's standings in my mind, even if I normally like the movie. Despite these flaws, I still like the movie and have fond memories of when I saw it in the theater with my mom. It is a fun movie. It's not great, but it is fun.


For whatever reason I decided to watch the AVP movies again a little over a year ago. The first one I watched in 2014, so it won't make this list. But I had a hard time finding the second one and it took me quite a long time to get around to it.

When I finally did... well. Everyone knows these aren't great movies, but the sequel definitely has its moments. I can safely say it is a much better film than the original. It felt like more of a legit horror story. I liked the setting, I liked that this took place in modern times. 

Its just not every memorable is my issue with it. Even though I have seen it twice now, I haven't retained any memory of this movie other than the very basic concept of it. It is good for cheap thrills, but it is one of those flicks that escapes your mind almost immediately after you watch it. And you have no reason to go back and think of it ever again.

It is fun, but very forgettable.


I actually can remember seeing trailers for this movie back when it first came out (yeah, I am old). I may or may not have seen it as a kid, but it has been so long that watching it now was like watching it for the first time. At first, I thought the movie was fantastic. It has a great cast, especially for nerds. Alan Grant, Luscious Malfoy, James Gordon. Hell yeah.

The setting is dark and creepy. There were actually some legitimately scary moments in the movie too. But something happens about halfway through. Grant starts acting funny, and it quickly becomes one of those "crew member snaps on a dangerous expedition and becomes homicidal" movies. 

Something we have seen a million times before. Plus I thought that the movie became a little too similar to Sphere for my tastes. This film had some great potential. I really liked it in the beginning. But it lost me after a while, which is unfortunate.


I first saw this 2 years ago and thought it was pretty good. I didn't really plan on watching this again in 2015, but one random day I had a really bad day at work. I was stressed out, I had a pounding headache, and I just wanted to come home and lie down and watch Dredd. Why Dredd of all movies? I don't know. A lot of violence, it was easy to follow. It is pretty to look at. It was a good way to relieve some stress after coming home from a bad day.

I don't remember much of my rewatch. I think I fell asleep during it. I usually don't watch movies so soon after seeing them (I think I saw this first in late '14 and then watched it in early '15) so I had that thing going on in my mind where I started to stop paying attention, even though I do like the movie.


Obviously nothing with Sharknado in the title is going to be a world class movie. And I don't expect it to be. I know it is going to be silly, I know the acting will be bad, I know the plot will be ridiculous. 

But I don't mind.

This is one of those rare occasions where the movie is so outlandish and ludicrous that it actually works. I always have fun watching these movies. And that is what movies are all about is having fun. I guess the reason it ranks so low on the list is because when I look back on it I can't remember much.

I don't remember any of the characters, any specific things that happened in the movie. I know I had fun watching it, but once the movie ended - it was out of my mind forever. I like movies to have a little bit more of a lasting impression on me than that.


I've seen the original Wayne's World about a million times, but have only seen the sequel a handful of times. There is a reason for that. The original is a classic. The sequel... not so much. Lot of bad jokes. They raised the stakes in the sequel, but this movie kind of fell in the trap that a lot of sequels do when they try to do too much to surpass the original in scope. It felt like too much. It felt forced.

Still, this movie has its moments and I am not going to say that I had an entirely bad time watching this. There are still a ton of funny scenes. Wayne and Garth have their charms, as always. And Christopher Walken is really good as the bad guy.

Not as good as the first movie, but then, few sequels ever are.

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