Sunday, June 28, 2015

My Netflix rotation: A weekend in review #4

It's been over a month, so I figured it was about time I wrote up another one of these blogs. For those of you who haven't read past entries, what I do is watch one episode of every show in my Netflix rotation and write my thoughts on it. This will mark the 4th time I have done this now. A few of these shows aren't on Netflix, but I have them on my computer. I am stilling including them in this blog entry simply because they are a part of my show rotation. I won't nitpick that they aren't actually on Netflix if you don't.

Since my last entry, I managed to finish off Daredevil. Two shows have taken its spot in the rotation - Orange is the New Black and Agents of Shield. I had 19 shows in the rotation before - and now I have an even 20. A little bit higher than I want to be, but some of these shows I will be finishing up with soon and I can get the number down to something a little more reasonable.

Hope you enjoy.

Season 20
Episode 7
"I'm Not a Good Villain"

We will kick things off with Survivor: Heroes vs Villains. How I didn't get more excited about this season when it first aired, I have no idea. So many great characters. Rob, Russell, Coach, Stephanie, Sandra, Parvati, Cirie, Tom, Rupert... the list goes on. I guess I was just a little worn out from Survivor back then.

But upon rewatching these old seasons I actually became very excited when season 20 rolled around. This season's cast is like a Survivor fan's wet dream. So far in the game, the villains have been dominating. They have only lost 1 immunity challenge and been to 2 Tribal Councils (the second Tribal Council they only went to because both teams had to vote someone out). The last episode ended in epic fashion with Tyson botching the split vote and getting himself voted out. I can't wait to see what happens next! I have a vague idea (I think either Boston Rob or Coach are next) but I really don't remember a whole lot from this season.

*watches episode*

Yup, it was Boston Rob. I remember being excited to see him lose back when this first aired, just to bring his smug self back to Earth a little. But now I think it's kinda sad. He totally didn't deserve to go. He is always such a big character who brings so much to the show. You don't mess with Russell Hantz though! It was great how he was able to work Jerri to voting with him. Coach threw a random vote at Courtney, but that was as good as a vote for Rob since it kept a vote off of Russell that would have made it a tie. But I think that vote will come back to hurt Coach though if he is the next one to go before the merge. He shoulda just manned up and made that voting group a solid 5. Instead he got replaced by Sandra and Courtney. Dragon slayed :(

But I'm really enjoying the season so far, and this was another good episode. The whole thing was Rob vs Russell. And it was nice to see the Heroes getting their act together after such a slow start. Although I would have liked to see Tom and Steph still in the game. Oh well! I can't say anything bad about this show, or the episode in particular. I used to be super obsessed with Survivor, and then I fell off the bandwagon for a few years. But now I am back into it again, and I really am having fun watching this.

Season 2
Episode 20

It's been a few weeks at least since I have watched an episode of this show. A definite casualty of having too many other shows to watch. Thank goodness for this Netflix rotation blog because I may have completely forgotten about this show otherwise. The description for the episode sounds amazing. Barney goes on the Price Is Right to meet Bob Barker, who he thinks is his dad? Heck yeah!

*watches episode*

Well, the episode wasn't as good as I had hoped. Mainly it was about Lily and Marshall and how they have to do everything together. Now that they are getting married, they want to spend a little time apart. But the crew makes fun of them and how inseparable they are. The Barney thing barely gets any airtime until the end of the show, when he goes on the Price is Right. He wins all the prizes, but doesn't say anything to Bob about being his dad. For anyone who has seen Happy Gilmore, you know Bob Barker can be hilarious. But on this show he just did his host thing and that was it. I was expecting more.

Season 1
Episode 10
"It's Different for Girls"

Looking back at my last Netflix blog, I mentioned how much I liked this and thought that it would become a top tier show in the rotation. Well guess what? Since then I haven't watched a single episode of this show.

It's not the series' fault. I can chalk this one up solely to having new shows in the rotation that have temporarily knocked this down a peg. It should reclaim its spot soon when I finish off some of the other programs I am currently watching. A strong episode here would make a good case for the show.

*watches episode*

This was a good episode. It focused mainly on three storylines - Saracen's courting of the coach's daughter, Lyla dealing with the backlash from cheating on Street, and a potential Juice romance. The Lyla story was the big one. She received a lot of personal attacks after it was discovered she slept with Riggins. The worst being a website devoted to slut shaming her. She quits the cheerleading team and seems very depressed, but in the end Riggins convinces her to rejoin the team in time for a big competition.

Football was only a very small side note in this episode. I enjoyed it for the most part. This show is all about the characters, and they are all showing a lot of development. Lyla seems to be back on the right track. I like Saracen a lot and he seems to be a true gentleman. I just wish the coach would see it! This episode was a bit slow moving though, and on the whole there isn't a real hook to get you to want to binge watch multiple episodes.

But the characters will definitely keep me coming back.... after I finish some other shows first.

Season 1
Episode 20
"Charm and Harm"

Here is a show I have been watching pretty slowly. Each episode is self contained, and there isn't an overlapping story arc that leaves me dying to see what is going to happen next when an episode ends. So I have been taking my time with Criminal Minds. Enjoying it for the most part. Some episodes are less interesting than others, but that is to be expected. I just don't see this show rising much higher in my rotation simply because it lacks a certain something that I can't quite put my finger on. I think lack of character development is a big part of it.

*watches episode*

This was another good episode. In it, a murderer is going on a spree killing women by drowning them in bath tubs. He is a master of disguise and has been hard to catch by the police. The Criminal Minds team is brought in to help track him down. Investigating his past, they discover that as a child he had drowned his own mother. The mother had been cheating on the father.

Using this knowledge they ascertain that the killer is on the way to the site of his first murder. They catch him before he can kill there again. I liked it. It was very fast paced and felt like a movie. Yes sometimes I complain about an overall sense of direction with this show, or lack of character development. But as a single episode this was pretty darned good. I just got sucked in and went along for the ride.

Will this improve Criminal Minds stock in my rotation however? I can't say yes or no.

Season 3
Episode 6
"Ching Chong Chang"

I've been a fan of this show since season 1. I watched the whole thing pretty darned quickly. And then I had to wait a loooong time for season 2, which I also watched very quickly. The same thing has not happened in season 3. I was just criticizing Criminal Minds for having no character development but having pretty great plots for each episode. This season of Orange is the New Black is the complete opposite. There is a lot of great character development... but the plot is horrible. It has felt like literally nothing has happened this whole season.

As a result, I haven been in no hurry to finish this season. I still like the show, just not as much as I used to. I'm hoping it gets better. But from what I've heard online, it is a foolish hope and this is pretty much what the whole season is like.

*watches episode*

This episode was Chang-centric. She's the little old short haired Asian lady. Up until now she has played an extremely minor role in the show. Normally I would complain about giving a whole flashback episode to a minor character.... but I actually liked it. Her past was pretty interesting to me. I always thought she was just kind of weird and insignificant, but now she has a lot of added depth to her character. I like her.

There were a few other things going on too. The prison guard side story is the main one. The people in charge of funding the prison want to cut the hours of the regular security guards so they don't get benefits. And then hire some cheaper part time people to come in and work those extra hours. Obviously this doesn't go over well with the guards. Also,  Red asks for a favor from Healy and gets back in the kitchen. Lorna starts meeting random men that she is pen pals with. And she is very obsessive about it, studying things they are interested in so that they like her more. There are some minor things with Piper and Poussey.

It was a good episode. For once I was interested in every story line going on simultaneously. I think if I just take the show for what it is and just enjoy it, I will stop thinking about how it isn't as good as previous seasons. 6 episodes down, 7 more to go this season. I could totally see myself going nuts and finishing the rest of the season much faster than I had watched the first half.

Season 2
Episode 19
"Without Diana"

OK, well I am actually going to have to skip a few episodes here. There is a message on Netflix that this show is going to be removed on July 1st. No! I still have half of season 2 left. With all my other shows to watch (plus the fact that this is definitely not my favorite show in the rotation) I doubt I will be able to finish this show before it is taken off. So when I do watch it I am just going to pick and choose what episodes sound the best. I picked "Without Diana" for today because from reading the description it sounds like a sad one. I rarely cry so I am always on the lookout for something that can make that miracle happen.

*watches episode*

Nope, didn't cry. This was just an okay episode. I liked the story. It is about a little girl who disappears during an Easter Egg Hunt. The parents never find out what happened to her. 40 years later, the mom is on her deathbed when the little girl comes to the door and has a heart to heart with her dad. Then she leaves with the mom (indicating that the mom has died) and tells the dad that they will see him when his time has come.

It was an interesting premise. But I don't know that they pulled it off very well. It seemed a little too cheesy for my tastes. The characters were a little wooden. It was like some kind of weird after school special. I wanted to like it. I wanted to really get into this one. I did find the story intriguing but it still wasn't anything special.

Season 3
Episode 9

I'm enjoying this season of American Horror Story quite a bit. I think that so far it is the best of all the three seasons that are available on Netflix. With only 13 episodes, I am getting close to the end of the season. This  show probably won't be on the list anymore the next time I do this blog.

*watches episode*

I wasn't totally impressed with this one. There are far too many things going on at the same time. The whole episode seemed pretty disjointed, as not one particular story line was given too much attention. There was a lot of jumping around. I won't talk about all of them, but the main story line seemed to center around that witch hunter dude. He went into the voodoo coven's lair and started blasting away at all of them with a shotgun. Precious is able to use her voodoo doll power to kill him, but not before he shoots her and nearly wipes everyone out.

Other story lines include Myrtle killing the council and using their eyes to restore Cordelia's vision. And of course Kathy Bates head, which is now in control of Precious and is set up in front of a TV to watch all kinds of black television shows to hopefully open her mind a little bit and make her more accepting. There are several other things going on too, but these are the main ones.

Right now it seems like there are a ton of story threads open all at the same time. Hopefully they find a way to satisfactorily tie them all together before the end of the show. With only 4 episodes left, I have hope that they will.

Season 4
Episode 7
"Problem Dog"

Of all the shows in my rotation, this is one I can always count on to be fantastic. Breaking Bad has become my go-to show to watch when I am not really feeling anything else. I'm at the halfway point now of season 4 now, so you'd think with one more season left that I should be finishing within a month or two.

*watches episode*

This one was all right. Unlike past episodes of the series, this one one didn't really hook me in. At the beginning of the show, Walt takes the car that he bought for Walt Jr out to an empty lot and blows it up. Way to be subtle there. Do you want to get caught? I don't really understand Walt's thinking here.

The rest of the episode revolves around Gus Fring. Walt and Jesse are still worried that he will kill them whenever he doesn't need them anymore. So Walt gives Jesse some ricin and he puts it in a cigarette. At the first chance he can get, he will poison Gus. Still feeling guilt over killing Gale, Jesse goes to his support group and gives them a fake story about killing a dog (with the dog being an obvious stand in for Gale) - looking for sympathy. It doesn't go his way however and he ends up freaking out and yelling at everyone about how he only comes to the group to sell meth.

The other big thing to happen in the episode is towards the end when Hank reveals his suspicions about Gus Fring being a meth dealer. He tells his superiors his theory, and they don't believe him. But then he produces Fring's fingerprints at the scene of Gale's death. Cliffhanger!

It was a slow moving episode and not much happened till the end. It wasn't my favorite episode of Breaking Bad ever, but at least it ended on a suspenseful note. I still totally love this show though.

Season 3
"Chuck Versus the Angel de la Muerte"

I'm not the hugest fan of this show, but it is a good change of pace to watch every once in a while. Slowly but surely I watch one episode every couple weeks or so. I'm still waiting for the show to change gears or do something special to really make me be like "hey Chuck is awesome!" but it hasn't happened yet. I think what you see is what you get from this show. Which is a spy comedy with a fun cast but a somewhat drab plot.

*watches episode*

I had mixed feelings about the episode. I like that Captain Awesome is getting more involved with things. He's always been a favorite character of mine. The episode as a whole though was pretty dull. To recap: Awesome saves the life of some foreign dignitary who is visiting the country. He is invited to a party as a guest of honor by the dignitary. Chuck is there too and they get caught up in a plot to stop evil forces that want to assassinate the man. Chuck and Awesome win, but in the end of the episode Awesome is captured by said evil forces.

So pretty much I liked the Awesome stuff and think it is great how he is becoming such a key member of the show. I do want to see what will happen next since this ended on a cliffhanger. Despite the mixed feelings, it left an overall favorable opinion in my mind.

Season 2
Episode 7
"The Writing on the Wall"

I was very excited for the second season of this show to come to Netflix. I like all the Marvel stuff and think it is neat how all the movies and the shows tie together. Last season, Shield was dismantled and Coulson was given the task of putting it back together. This season, Shield is viewed as a terrorist group by the government, even though we know they are the good guys. The majority of this season has centered around Shield's battle with Hydra, hoping to stop their evil plans while redeeming themselves as the good guys in one fell swoop.

I've heard the second season of the show is really good. However, I haven't been that impressed by the early episodes so far this season. Hopefully this episode signals a turning point where the show gets better for me.

*watches episode*

Still not that impressive in my opinion. I like the story line but the show just seems to drag its feet constantly. Ward has escaped, and the team can't do anything but track and follow him since he has wired himself with C4. Also, a man who has the same compulsion to carve alien glyphs as Agent Coulson snaps and starts killing people and carving them up. The people he is killing are former Tahiti test subjects. Eventually he is found and captured.

The only real revelation this show brought was that the alien blood was not sending Coulson a map, but a blueprint of a mysterious city. So now they know what it is, they just don't know where it is. Apparently this discovery has cured the compulsion to carve from Coulson's system and he doesn't have to worry about going crazy anymore.

So that's it. Ward is still on the loose as well. I still have hope for the show to get better. I feel it is building towards something epic, but it is just taking its sweet time to get there. It needs to get to it quickly or my interest is going to wane.

Season 3
Episode 4
"Sphere of Influence"

This series has always been a little so-so in my opinion. If I was a kid, I am sure I would love it. Watching it as an adult though... its a little boring. It is Star Wars though, and there is basically no where else to go to get my fix. I've seen the movies a bajillion times. I have to have faith that if I stick with this, there will be a large payoff at the end.

*watches episode*

So-so sums up this episode. A planet has been blocked in by the Trade Federation, and is being swayed to join the Separatists for protection. The leader of the planet's family is taken, and Asohka helps them track the family to Greedo. They are freed and the Trade Federation blockade is lifted and everyone lives happily ever after.

This episode didn't do a whole lot for me to change my opinion of the series. I still find the whole thing rather mediocre. I am beginning to doubt if my mind will ever change.

Season 2
Episode 16
"From Pound Cake to Pot Pie"

You can never go wrong with this show. I love food and I love watching stuff about interesting food. And plus each episode is only about 20 minutes long. It's the perfect show for me.

This episode featured 3 different restaurants. In the first one, Guy tasted mac and cheese muffins as well as chicken pot pie cooked in a mason jar. At the second restaurant were fish tacos. And the third was the most interesting looking place to me. It served an interesting mix of North African food and Southern home cooking. The African chicken looked pretty good, as well as the barbeque pork. Guy said that they had the best greens he had ever tasted. I definitely would have eaten there.

Unfortunately I have only got about 9 episodes left before I am finished with this show. My wife and I like to watch this when we eat dinner, so we have been going through it pretty quickly.

Season 3
Episode 11

Well, as much as I enjoyed the previous episode of this show, I still have yet to watch another episode of the X-Files since my last blog entry. With all the other shows I am watching that I enjoy more, this show hasn't really become a high priority for me. It's to the point where even the thought of watching an episode is like a chore for me. I just never know if I am going to get a good or a bad episode with this series.

I really want to like the X-Files more and have it become a top tier member of my rotation. It just hasn't happened yet. Here's to a good episode.

*watches episode*

Nope, not a good episode at all. Maybe I am biased because I kept falling asleep during it. I kept having to rewind to find my spot only to fall asleep again and wake up and rewind and have to go through it all over again. The episode itself was run of the mill. There is a killer killing people with stigmata. Almost everyone he kills is a "false prophet" but finally he gets his hand on a little boy who seems like the real deal. He attempts to throw the boy into a paper shredder in a recycling plant, but goes into the machine himself instead.

Slow moving, a little boring. Preachy at times with the religious undertones in this episode. Revelations didn't do much to change my opinion of the X-Files. In fact - it hurt it. I'm not getting much enjoyment out of the show. And the X-Files is this big, huge popular thing. Millions of people love this show. I don't get why I do not.

Season 7
Episode 5
"Frank's Brother"

This show is always good for a quick fix of politically incorrect humor. I haven't watched anything in a while that I have been super excited about, so hopefully this show can infuse some life into the rest of my night before I fall asleep again.

*watches episode*

This episode took place mainly through flashbacks. Frank's brother shows up at the bar and the two start arguing. When the gang wants to know what their history is with each other, the flashbacks begin. Their falling out began when the two of them were much younger. They owned a club together and quarreled over a black woman who sang at the club named Shadynasty.

It was an okay episode. I don't know, I am just in a funk right now where I am not really liking anything. The episode was mostly in the past, so Dee, Charlie and the rest of the gang only played a small role in the episode. There were some funny parts. I particularly enjoyed the guest appearance of the dude who plays Broyles on Fringe and Abaddon on Lost.

This wasn't the show's best offering though.

Season 2
Episode 19
"Mr. Dingle, the Strong"

My fingers are crossed here for a solid episode of the Twilight Zone. This show is pretty hit or miss with me. Based on the name of the episode and the description, however, my hopes are not high.

*watches episode*

Well, the way this one started I thought for sure we were going to be in for another horrible episode. It starts out in a bar, with a couple of guys arguing. There was all this bad acting and false 1950's bravado. A man named Mr Dingle was being beat up over his opinions on a baseball game. This went on for about 5 minutes and I couldn't help but internally facepalm because it was such a terrible scene. Then two aliens walk into the bar, unseen by the patrons. They are two of the most ridiculous looking TV aliens I have ever seen in my life. 

I remained unimpressed by the episode.

But then things started to get interesting. The aliens gift Mr Dingle with the strength of 30 men. Mr Dingle (played by Burgess Meredith) proceeded to go on a spree of showing off his talents. He lifted statues, a park bench, he tilted a car, among other things. The next day he came back to the bar and showed his new found talents to a TV crew. He smashed a table, pulled a barstool out of the ground, and picked up and threw the jerk who had been beating him up in the beginning of the episode. The aliens were unimpressed by how Dingle was putting his new power to use, and decided to take it away from him. The TV crew called Dingle a scammer and they all left. Dingle was left alone and depressed, when two more aliens came in and decided to give him the intelligence of thirty men. Dingle used his intelligence to predict what would happen next in a baseball game, and then left the bar. Leaving us to imagine the new adventures he was about to get himself into.

It really was a tale of two halves with this episode. The first half was awful, but the second was pretty amusing. It is not exactly groundbreaking television but I was definitely entertained and I was always curious to see where the story was going. Ignore the occasional bad acting and laughable looking aliens, and this was actually a decent episode. It entertained me, and that is about all I can ask for.

Season 1
Episode 7

I've had a good time with Hannibal so far. There is a nice, over arching story line going on through the episodes. While each episode also has a "murder of the week" element to it. I like how they balance the two. Criminal Minds take note! The violence and gore level of the show is also very impressive. I can't wait to see what Hannibal has in store for me this week.

*watches episode*

The last few episodes have centered around the FBI's search for the Chesapeake Ripper (which we actually know is Hannibal Lector himself). In this episode, there is a murder that has taken place that resembles the Ripper's work, but something seems off about it. Meanwhile the Ripper continues to kill. Over the course of the show we learn that there is an ambulance driver out there harvesting organs to sell on the black market. And his crimes were getting confused with the Ripper's. 

So there were actually two killers out there stealing organs from people. The driver, and then Hannibal - who was going on a killing spree so he would have enough ingredients to feed people at a dinner party. 

This was a decent episode. We knew all along that Hannibal was one of the killers, it was just a matter of finding out who was doing the other killings. The FBI never really got too close to Hannibal, so the tension level for the episode wasn't that high. Now that the other killer has been caught, will Hannibal halt his killings so it looks like the FBI got the right man? Who knows? 

All I know is that the show has been treading water the last few episodes and hopefully pretty soon something big will happen that will pique my interest. Because right now it just seems to be the same thing happening episode after episode. 

Season 2
Episode 21
"Second Chance Hero"

Only 6 more episodes of this left! I like this cartoon, kinda. It's a nice change of pace from some of my other shows, but it is very little-kid like and I often find my mind wandering during some of these episodes. I don't expect greatness from this episode, since I see it is Norman centric and those have been pretty mediocre for me. But maybe, just maybe, it will prove me wrong.

*watches episode*

Didn't really prove me wrong. It was okay but nothing spectacular.

Spidey is assigned to keep an eye on Norman Osbourn (AKA the Green Goblin) to make sure that he is okay and that he is not going to turn into a bad guy again. One night, Spidey comes across Norman wearing a Patriotic Iron Man suit. Norman has turned a new leaf, becoming the superhero Iron Patriot in an attempt to atone for his previous wrongdoings. There is a battle with Doc Ock. Norman's son Harry thinks Spider Man is attacking him and his dad when really all he is trying to do is help.

In the end, Shield doesn't trust Norman, but to us at home it looks like he really does want to be a good guy now. 

So as I said, this was okay but nothing spectacular. I don't know what is going on this trip through my rotation. Almost everything I have watched has been mediocre, subpar, or just okay. I think my rotation needs a major shake up. With this and a few other shows being finished soon, I will be getting my wish.

Season 2
Episode 11

Here is a show that has been getting stronger with every episode I watch. I didn't like it at the beginning, but the deeper into it I get into it, the more I enjoy it. Please please pretty please be the episode that snaps me out of my rotation funk. I am in desperate need of something awesome to watch, as I have been less than impressed with the majority of stuff I have been watching this trip through my rotation.

*watches episode*

Okay, good! I liked the episode. It was a little hokey but at least I had a good time. In this episode, Buffy's mom starts dating some guy named Ted. He is played by John Ritter. Everyone loves Ted, but Buffy has suspicions that something is off about him. In private, Ted snaps on Buffy twice. The second confrontation - he hits her. Buffy retaliates and knocks him down a flight of stairs, killing him.

Ted returns from the dead to terrorize the family. Willow and Zander investigate Ted's house and discover many weird things about him. Like, he has been married four times. And the first marriage was in the 50's, long before Ted as old enough to marry anyone. Then they discover the bodies of his previous four wives. Buffy and Ted fight, and it is revealed that Ted is a robot. Ted is defeated, and Buffy hides the corpse to keep his identity a secret.

It was a decently fun episode. It didn't have much to do with vampires, and the whole robot thing was kind of silly. But hey it kept me entertained and that is all I can ask for. There were a few character advancing moments, such as Giles getting back with that one teacher. Plus some other stuff with Zander and Cordelia. 

Buffy is developing into one of those series that I can always expect a good episode from. This may not be the most serious or intense show out there, but everything doesn't need to be Breaking Bad to be good. This show's stock is definitely rising in my opinion. Once I clear out some other shows that I am almost finished with, I expect to start watching this at a more rapid pace.

Season 6
Episode 11
"Donatello Trashes Slash"

I'm just kind of going through the motions with this show. If I wasn't so OCD and I didn't have to finish everything I started, I would just delete this show from my computer and be done with it. It's almost like I feel I owe it to my younger self to power through this and watch every episode that I never had the opportunity to see. This series hasn't aged well, and I don't expect to like this episode. But I am still going to watch it.

*watches episode*

Slash returns to Earth with an evil plan for world domination. Not only is he smarter since his last appearance on the show, but he brings with him new technology which turns people into turtles. I was trying to think while watching this episode why Slash seemed so familiar (despite the fact that I probably saw these episodes as a kid). And I am pretty sure I had his action figure.

So anyway, this episode was pretty much what I expected it to be. It wasn't the greatest 20 minutes of television I have ever seen in my life. It wasn't as bad as some of the previous episodes of the show, however. Slash is a good villain. And I liked seeing Vernon and his boss turned into turtles. Still though, by no means is this show a favorite in my rotation. I wish I could work up the courage to just delete it forever so I can stop wasting my time on it.

1 episode down, 46 more to go....

Season 4
Episode 6
"The Poison Sky"

I have saved this episode of Doctor Who for the very end of my rotation. This is actually the second part of a two part episode. I thought part one was absolutely atrocious, so I was in no hurry to get around to the end of it. Why are the worst episodes always 2-parters? I watched the first part over 2 weeks ago. I barely remember where it left off. Some kind of alien (the Sontarans) were trying to take over Earth. Something to do with a device installed in cars.... ?

This series so far has been very very hit or miss with me. The good episodes tend to be pretty decent. The bad episodes... I can barely tolerate to watch. If it wasn't for the fact that everyone keeps encouraging me to continue on with the show, I may have given up on it already. 

I'm 4 seasons in. You would think if it was going to "get better" it would have done so already. 

*watches episode*

It wasn't great. It was borderline awful. I can see how this type of show would appeal to some people, but it is just way too silly for me. The more I watch of this show, the more I realize that there must be something wrong with me where I just don't get it. So many people like it. Why don't I?

In this episode, the Sontarans are threatening Earth with the help of a mad boy genius. The boy created something called Atmos that is installed in most cars across the planet. This Atmos was really a sleeper weapon. Now that the Sontarans are here, the Atmos systems began spraying toxic gas all over the world. The Sontarans wanted to turn Earth into a cloning factory. Martha Jones was their first success. The two Martha Jones meeting was probably the highlight of the episode for me. But that's not really saying much.

My attention started to wander. I knew the Doctor would find some way to repel the Sontarans, and he did. Don't ask me how because I started playing Candy Crush halfway through the show. The episode did end on a cliffhanger where Martha, Donna, and the Doctor are mysteriously whisked away in the Tardis. I would say I am intrigued by this twist, but that would be a lie.

Two thumbs down for this episode of Doctor Who. Americans you have failed me miserably. Why do you like this show so much? I can't for the life of me wrap my head around how this has become such a large phenomenon here.


That's it! One more trip through my rotation has been completed. I've enjoyed doing this blog entry in the past, but this time it was a little tougher. I don't know if I am becoming harder to impress, more impatient, or what. But there were so many episodes this time around that I just flat out didn't care for.

The next time I do this for my blog, hopefully my rotation will look much different. Amazing Stories will be off of Netflix. I should be done with Spider-Man (unless they add season 3). Orange is the New Black. Agents of Shield, Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, American Horror Story, Breaking Bad, and Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives should all either be finished with, or I should be very close to finishing them off.

In addition to these aforementioned shows ending, I look forward to Glee, Hell on Wheels, and season 3 of the Following coming out on Netflix. I'm also intrigued by the 100 and Bloodlines. So there are plenty of shows out there to plug the holes in my rotation. 

I like my rotation to be a little different each time I do this blog. Seeing as how I will be busy most of July and August, I will probably get my wish. Don't expect another update for quite some time. And when that update does come, expect things to look quite different.

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